Evermore | Draco Malfoy

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Hello Everyone 

I am here to let you guys know that I am defiantly Planning a sequel but until I publish that I am writing a Draco Malfoy x OC story Go check it out. Here's a part of it so you know what it's gonna be like.

Evermore | Draco Malfoy

Blake leaned against the wall, trying to block out the noise, and took a shaky breath. "Everything alright there, Red?" Draco asked, miraculously making the noise vanish with just the sound of his voice and his presence. Blake nodded, and looked towards his voice, he emerged into a shaft of moonlight, looking unfairly handsome with his emerald tie matching her dress.

Draco slowly approached and before Blake could say something, he sank fluidly to one knee before her. What—" she began, but he cuts her off "Here, let me..." Deft fingers swiftly retied the dangling silk around her calf. Blake's skin prickled under his feather-light touch. Rising slowly, he traced a searing path along her leg and hip that left her breathless before settling on her waist. His touch, though unexpected, was strangely soothing.

When those Grey eyes finally locked with hers again, Blake's voice failed her. Lips curling devilishly, Draco held up the pendant gracing her throat, "I believe you owe me a dance." Blake's heart skipped a beat.

"It was you..." She lifted the glittering pendant at her throat. "You sent this." At Draco's answering smirk, her knees nearly buckled.

"Who else could it be, Red?" His eyes scorched her as he extended a hand in invitation. "Weasley was right - green is most certainly your color."

"Thank you, Malfoy. But I couldn't possibly..." Blake's fingers moved to unclasp the extravagant necklace.

Draco's hand closed swiftly over hers, halting the movement. "It suits you - please, I want you to have it." His thumb grazed her knuckles as he met her eyes beseechingly. "Just promise me, you won't take it off until the tournament ends, deal?"

Unsure why but thrilled by his attention, Blake nodded shyly. "Alright, deal."

They stood in harmonious silence until Draco asked, "Why aren't you inside Red?"

"Too many people, too much noise, It overwhelms me sometimes." Blake confessed and Draco gave her a small smile.

Then quite unexpectedly, Draco executed a flawless bow and extended his palm once more toward her. "May I have this dance then?" His lips quirked playfully as Blake gazed at him in wonder. "Right here in the corridor."

Blake placed her hand in Draco's, allowing him to draw her close, his hand rested gently on her waist, guiding her with a precision that spoke of practiced elegance. Draco's touch was electrifying and Blake's breath caught at the unexpected jolt that went through her as he twirled her around. Their gazes locked, gray eyes glinting down at her even as his arm tightened around her waist, pressing her nearer. Heat crept up Blake's neck under his intent stare.

Draco dipped Blake low, the movement both elegant and daring. The world blurred around them, and she discovered that dancing alone with Draco under the tranquil night sky far eclipsed the glittering Yule Ball inside. Draco brought Blake back to an upright position. They stood closer with each movemet it seemed like they were closing the distance between them little by little.

"I wouldn't have taken you as one for dancing in empty corridors," Blake commented with a teasing smile to cover her sudden shyness at their proximity. "Perhaps you don't know me as well as you assume," Draco replied, the corner of his mouth quirking upward. He spun her lightly and Blake gasped as they came back together, closer than before.

"Well you continue to...surprise me," she managed. The tension swirling delicately around them left her lightheaded. She wasn't sure if she wanted more or less space between them. A hint of a smile played on Draco's lips even as his eyes remained intensely fixed on Blake's. "Do I now?" he murmured. "And why is that?" His voice had dropped lower, making Blake hyperaware of his hand firm on her back.

"I...well, you..." She faltered, distracted by his proprietary hold and the gleam in his smoldering gaze that quickened her pulse unexpectedly.

Taking a subtle steadying breath, she tried again. "You've always enjoyed riling me up or insulting me in the past. I wouldn't think spontaneous dancing or sending gifts was your style." She cocked her head with a trace of her usual playful confidence. "Next you'll be writing me poems and sending flowers."

She meant it lightly but was startled to see a faint tinge of color on Draco's cheek. But his eyes glinted challengingly back at her.

"Careful what you wish for...I'm full of surprises." With that cryptic response, he spun her outward then back until she was pressed fully against his firm chest, their joined hands resting over his heart. Blake sucked in a soft gasp at their sudden proximity. She could feel his heart racing under her hand and she knew her heart was beating just as fast. Her eyes darted nervously to Draco's, which had darkened and lowered to her parted lips.

Blake stood immobilized in Draco's arms, pulse racing wildly as his face hovered a hair's breadth from hers. Just as she felt his measured breaths against her skin, the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps broke the tension.

Twisting in Draco's hold, Blake saw Hermione run out with tear-stained face not even noticing them there."Hermione!" she exclaimed, concern for her friend overtaking her muddled emotions. She pulled back abruptly from Draco's embrace. "I'm so sorry, I have to..."

She gestured helplessly after Hermione before dropping Draco's hands and moving after her friend. Pausing at the corridor entrance, she looked back at him uncertainly. But Draco had already stepped away, his expression shuttered.

"You should go check on her," he said stiffly with a short nod. His eyes were shadowed, posture closed-off.

Blake hesitated. "I..." She bit her lip. "Thank you for the dance and the neckless." Offering him a conciliatory half-smile, she spun quickly and rushed after Hermione.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang