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Joshua Prickett stood in front of us in his quidditch uniform with a chart that had all our names. 

"Attention everyone," he says in a loud authoritative voice. "I will call out position and name of the contenders you shall perform the given tasks and we will rank you according to that. Now as you know I and Francis are chasers so we need two chasers, two seekers, and two keepers. You will see the results tomorrow morning in the common room notice board." 

"Let's start with seeker position," Francis says "Annabelle Potter, Violetta Harrison, and Andrew Lee please come forward." 

We did. 

"Mount your brooms and go to the left-hand long end of the stadium and as soon as I blow the whistle you will circle the stadium twice and then return back to the middle." He continues 

We do as we are told and a couple of moments after we reach the end the whistle blows ...

I was faster than both of them and I finished the laps first and reached the middle of the ground. After a moment other two did.

He then made us two many other drills and after half an hour he seemed satisfied with himself and let us go.

Then they made chasers do some drills and then beaters.

After one more hour, they were completely done and gathered us up.

"Everyone did a great job today. But you guys sure have made our job harder." Jo's chuckled "Anyway good luck and you will see the results and our next scheduled practice tomorrow morning on noticed board." 

"You all can leave now." 


"God I am so tired," Varun complains as he fell on the couch in the common room.

"Me too" I agreed to settle on the floor with my Astronomy book.

"Then why do you join quidditch every year," Ari said.

All three of us looked at her wide-eyed. "Because quidditch is the best." All of us chorused. And she rolled her eyes.

"I can't believe that James is the captain of Gryffindor quidditch team," Hugh said

"Why he is the best player they got," Varun says.

"But he is so immature," Hugh argues 

"He can be immature in every other aspect of life but he gets very serious when it comes to quidditch." I chime in "I mean just this summer, Sirius, James, and I were playing in the backyard and I caught the snitch before them he made us play again and again until he caught it first. And even after that, he pranked me as revenge three times." 

"Last year when Gryffindor lost the cup he gave a 3-hour lecture to wood," Varun adds.

"Yeah, I heard that, wood came out crying of the boy's dorm room," Ari said and we all laughed.

"James is pretty hot-headed." I shrugged.

"Speaking of James, are we going to the after party of Halloween held at their common room," Hugh asks.

"Well, I am not going," Varun says

"Why not?" I ask

"I have something I need to do."

"And that is," Ari asks 

Varun and Hugh exchange some weird looks and Varun sighs.

"I kinda have a date." He mumbles 

And both mine and Ari's eyes go wide at this declaration.

"What?, with who?, How?" We both bombarded him with questions 

"Well uh ..." he struggles to find words

"Well......" I push

"Itswitdmwwithmmmarlne." He mumbles 

"What??" Ari says pushing her eyebrows together 

"It's with Marlene." He speaks clearer 

"Why were we not informed of this earlier," I ask.

"Because you guys are friends and if this didn't work out I didn't want you guys to feel like you had to choose you to know..." Varun try's to justify softly

"Hugh is her brother," I say 

"Yeah. That makes it easy to choose. And he kinda found out on his own." Varun says.

"Okay, I guess," I say

"But we want details." Ari says "how did you ask her out.?"

And then Varun told us the story and we all talked and laughed until it was time to go sleep.


The next morning I woke up early and went to breakfast alone. It is a Sunday and not many people were in the great hall.

At the Gryffindor table lily and Alice sat at one corner and some other people scattered non-familiar. Hufflepuff table was quite loud for this early morning but that's how they are. At Ravenclaw table, only a couple of people except me were there. Most of my housemates were in the common room reading. And scanning the room my eyes landed on Slytherin's table and caught the grey ones. It felt as if a cold wind gushed through me. And goosebumps rose in my body. I moved my eyes as fast as possible. 

I tried to shake off the feeling but I knew he was watching me and I don't know why I felt so self-conscious at this moment.

I tried to eat but I couldn't and to my relief, James entered the great hall and sat right in front of me blocking blacks view, and started chatting.

After finishing my breakfast James and I walked out of the hall. He then went towards the quidditch pitch while I made my way towards Ravenclaw common room.

Just as I took the turn in a corner a hand grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall and I found myself looking right into the grey orbs of none other than Regulus Black. I tried to get out of his hold but I couldn't.

"You thought I wouldn't find out." He said in a strangely calm low voice.

I looked at him puzzled.

"The little hair stunt you pulled at the great hall."He said and my face probably showed the fact that I was aware of what he was talking cause he continued "You really are testing me, Potter." 

"I..uhh ." I couldn't get another word out under his glare.

"Listen to me very closely and clearly." He says and moves his lips close to my ear. "You do not want me as your enemy, and make me do something I shouldn't."

And the very moment he let his grip lose but somehow I could move. My legs were glued to the spot by his breath on my ear.

"I guess you are not the only one who has an effect." He says and I can hear the smirk in his voice but I have no idea what he meant by that.

He left with a little sarcastic wave and  I after a moment managed to regain my control over myself.

I looked at his retrieving back and sighed 

I know guys the chapters are short but I promise the next one is gonna be quite long.

It's gonna have the dance and the after-party and a lot of fun.



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