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Everyone was waiting for the curfew as that will be when we all would gather for the party at the room of requirement. The buzz of it was heard a lot during dinner as it was the only thing people were talking about. My friends and I were doing the same. We had all bought our costumes from Hogsmeade after the exam was done. They seemed to have an awful lot of Christmas-based costumes and we all believe Feb and Gid to have been the reason behind them.

I sat at the Ravenclaw table opposite Ari and Hugh and the seat next to me remind empty because Varun was at the Gryffindor table behind me with his girlfriend Marlene. A Ravenclaw table was placed between Slytherin and Gryffindor because we didn't have problems with any of these houses while they seemed to have a lot going on between them. My eyes scanned the table in front of me for no apparent reason. And feel on the boy with devilish looks he seems to be frowning on something that Avery Higgs was talking about with the group. I turned my focus back to my friends.

Hugh was shuffling his mouth with the pie when Ari hits his hand as he reached for more "Stop pigging out. Leave some space for the party."

His cheeks redden and he does as he was told. But he still played around with the food on his plate.

"Don't look now but Fabien is coming right here," Ari says and right at that moment someone took the empty seat next to me and it was non-other than Fab.

"Hey, Bella." He says smiling as he rests his back on the table.

I smile and greet him back.

"You know two other people are sitting right here Fab," Ari says smirking at me and Hugh just looked at her confused because of the smirk.

"Well hello, Hugh and Smiths." He says while emphasizing Smiths. And turns his attention to me. "I just came here to say that save a dance for me at the party if you don't mind."

"She will, she thinks its a lovely idea." Ari Interrupts as I was about to answer.

Fab lets out a chuckle "had too much to drink already Smiths? Or do you just enjoy teasing me?"

"It's definitely the second one fab. Cause providing me with my alcohol intake is the party's job."

Once everything on the table vanished everyone ran back to their dorms to get ready. Ari and I too were doing the same. Other girls from our dorm had already changed and left leaving us behind. 

"If Fab asks you out would you say yes?" Ari asks me while putting on her make up. I look up from the book I was reading as she looks at me through the mirror. 

I sign and bit my lip. "I don't know, I mean he is hot and charming but I don't really have a romantic feeling for him. But it also depends on the moment. Maybe I should give him a chance if he wants, what do you think?" 

"Yes defiantly," Ari says clapping as she turns around to look at me. "It's your turn." 

"uhh... No." I say

"Come on you said you'll let me put makeup on special occasions." She whines

"Yes and this is not one of them. I meant like weddings and balls etc., not parties."  

"I won't put a lot I promise, Please please pretty please." She says taking slow steps towards me with puppy dog eyes that she knows I can't resist.

"You can do it for the annual Christmas ball we have at Potter manor if we have it this year" 

"Fine and if not I'll do it for end of year party that Ravenclaws throw." She said with an authoritative voice, I nod slowly.

"Let's get going then," she said and linked her arm to mine and we made our way to the seventh floor. The corridors were quieter than usual on the teachers' side. It seems they know when we so something sneaky like this and deliberately chose to ignore it. 

Ari and I enter the Room of Requirement and were hit with a quite different smell then we expected to but amazing non the less.  The whole room was decorated with Christmas decor, Small gifts, snowflake lights and mistletoe hung above us and from what I noticed some of these mistletoes were charmed so that two people under them couldn't move until they kiss and somehow they kept changing positions. The floor was artificial magical snow and in the corner of the room next to a fireplace was a huge Christmas tree beautifully decorated. And the most amazing thing was the music that played different muggle and wizard musicians. As soon as my eyes found the food counter I was left in aww, pavlova Christmas tree, gingerbread Christmas people like elves, Santas etc, Sugar cookies, Christmas trifle and many more deserts lay there and after them, different Christmas themed drinks followed such as white Christmas firewhiskey, Naughty but nice butterbeer, salted caramel superior red{SCSR}, etc.

James, Remus and Sirius were standing next to non-ending Christmas tart and Hugh was stuffing his face with his fav Christmas dessert- Gingerbread and so we walked over to Hugh.

"Good thing I didn't let to fill up at dinner," Ari said and Hugh jumped the gingerbread Santa in his hand now was on the floor and his hand over his heart.

"One of these days Ari I am gonna die of the scares you give me." 

Ari just rolls her eyes and grabs a gingerbread snowman, "Bella look, it's you." she says putting it right in front of my face. 

"Hahhah," I say flatly. and we continue talking and we tasted every dessert and drink we concluded. 

"I loved the cinnamon rolls the most I am gonna go and have some more," Ari says and leaves.

"Do I get my dance now my lady?" I hear fabs voice whisper and I smile 

"Of course." He took my hand and we were on the dance floor dancing quite uncomfortably I guess the costumes are to blame. But soon I started craving SCSR and got quite tired so "I am gonna go have SCSR," I say walking towards the drinks section waving goodbye to Fab. I took the fancy glass and drank the amazing liquid that it held. Sirius was walking towards me with a big smile on his face and that meant trouble, "Bella, I don't think you should be drinking that too much. I mean you don't handle alcohol very nicely." And I gave him a mocking shock look. His eyes found the dance floor and the smile on his lips drops, I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on the couple who was dancing there,

"Do you like Marlene?" I ask coming to the natural conclusion for the drop.

"Huh?" He says coming out of a trance he was in.

"Marlene, your smile dropped when you saw- her dancing with Varun, do you like her?" I say softly but a little teasingly.

He laughed although it felt forced but before I could say anything more he says, "No, no I defiantly don't like Marlene." He says and the hint of a smile finds it's way back to his face.

We both stood there looking at the dance floor, " Looks uncomfortable, wanna try it?" Sirius breaks the silence and without waiting for an answer he takes me to the dance floor. It was very uncomfortable, we danced weirdly because of the costumes but it was quite fun too. Ari, Hugh, James, Varun, Alice and Marlane join us on the floor. We danced for quite some time and after that, all of us fond an open space to sit and talk.

"Where's Lily?" I asked as they were all usually together. "Yeah, where's my Lily-flower?" James beams and everyone roll their eyes.

Alice and Marlene shared a look and then Alice whispers slowly in my ears, "She is dancing with Diggory" My eyes grew big of a shock, Not that it was weird I mean Diggory is at the top of his class, a 7th year and quite handsome and Lily is top in her year, beautiful and kind. I just wanted James to .... anyway good for her.

We spent the night talking and after some time, lily had also joined us. And the next day everyone stood at the train station with their bags packed and ready to go as James, Sirius and I stood next to them to see them off.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with any of us?"  Lily asked me. 

"Yeah no I am fine you guys have fun at your homes with your family" I say smiling

"I would gladly join you my lily flower" James said batting his eyelashes as if he were a baby asking for his mom to buy a toy.

"Sod off potter." Lily resorts and everyone laughs along with James.

I am Back with one more chapter and hope you all like it.

Keep Reading Commenting and Stay safe


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