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The next morning couldn't show up quicker. Annebella woke up as soon as the sun rays touched her face from the window in the dorm room, which she shares with Ariana, Sydney, and Crystal. Just as any other day she is the first one up. Most of the time she is a morning person, well as long as she has something to look forward to in the day. Approaching towards Ariana, who was sleeping with the duvet covering her face. Annebella lightly wakes up Ariana and then left to get ready for her first day of the 5th year.

She went to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. It took her almost 20 minutes to take a bath, get into the uniform. She hears a soft knock on the bathroom door as Ariana sleepily wisphers to get out through the door and let her take a bath. Here's a tip about her She is not a morning person. So before she bursts out like a volcano Annabelle got out and lets her get ready.

After leaving the bathroom Annabelle walks towards her dresser and combs her hair and tie it into a bun. After that, She applied eyeliner, Kajal, and lip balm before taking out her bag that she uses for classes. She arranged all the books she might require for classes next to the bag and arranged some new quills and parchments neatly into the bag. Since they have not been provided with the timetable yet, so she will pack the book after returning from breakfast. She take the novel that was on my nightstand and started to read.

"I am ready, let's roll," Ariana said making her drop the book in her hand. Annabelle hadn't noticed when she came out and when Sydney went in which had left her a little shocked of Ariana's voice. She picked up the book and placed it back on her nightstand. After taking one last look in the mirror She walked to Ariana, she links their arms as Annabelle says "Let's go. The delicious Breakfast awaits us." And they both giggle making our way to the great hall.


Annabelle sat at the Ravenclaw table with her friends comparing timetables with them. Well, Hugh and Ariana compared four of our timetables as Varun and Annabelle devoured the amazing maple butter Waffle with a big glass of milk. After some moments Ariana hands them, their timetables back. And something catches Annabelle's eye, Something very, very terrible catches her eye and everyone around her noticed the change of emotion on her face because Varun immediately places a hand on her shoulder and Ariana says reassuringly "It won't as bad as you are imagining." which was not reassuring at all and Annebelle scoffed and said, "Double Portions with 'The Snakes' two times a week, it can be worse than I think."

"She isn't wrong you know," Hugh says "Do you remember we had DADA with them in the 4th year and if you are forgetting, might I remind you Slughorn is the head of their house and favors them." All the other three let out a sigh.

"Well, at least we don't have any other class except you have Astronomy with the snakes, Belle." Varun notes 

"We told you to take Deviation with us but no you had to take Astronomy," Ariana says a bit teasingly earning a sarcastic smile and a slap on the shoulder.



I was making my way to the transfiguration classroom with Ariana walking next to me. As we rounded the corner, we saw a first-year boy shivering and two boys were standing in front of him, their backs at us. 

"Hey, you two!"  Ariana calls them out and they turn their face staring at us. I recognize both of them. One of them was Avery Higgs, he is in the Slytherin quidditch team as a chaser and a 6th year, the other one is Felix Nott he is in the same year as I.

"Why don't you two little Ravenclaws keep your noses in your books instead of our business." Higgs sneers 

" I recommend you leave before, I give you detention for harassing the poor boy," I spoke firmly looking at Nott.

Higgs snorts and says lowly "Sticking up for The Mudbloods potter, might be what kills you." Looking straight into my eyes. 

I was terrified on the inside because I have heard about their involvement with the Dark Lord but I keep my composure and my voice devoid of every other emotion except anger as I spoke: "I dare you to use that word one more time Higgs." I point my wand at him my hands shaking slightly with anger.

"What are you gonna do potter," He says " Are you gonna kill me, huh?" 

By this time the first year boy had run away and the other two looked at us with worry.

"What is happening here?" A low composed yet monotonous voice of Black rang in the practically empty corridor. And I turned around to find my eyes locked with ice-cold blue eyes. But the eyes moved past me and looked at Higgs and Nott. I was sure I saw a flash of haterade in them before they became the same ice-cold and completely emotionless.

"The second bell has rung, I suggest all of you go to your classes." He states and Nott and Higgs do as told but I remained at my place and Ariana tried to drag me towards the transfiguration classroom but I had to add something. "I had it under control Black. You didn't need to intervene."

"I am certain you would have loved to kill Avery, Potter." He says sarcastically "But I can't let someone from my house be assassinated by some little arrogant Ravenclaw." 

He says and leaves without letting me say anything more. And I let Ariana drag me to the transfiguration classroom.


After the transfiguration, I walked with Hugh and Ariana who both had muggle studies next, which was on the way that I take to the library as I had a free period and I will finish the assignment for transfiguration. Hugh and Ariana were chatting about how excited it was learning about muggles. 

"You have a muggle father Ari. Why are you taking muggle studies?" I asked Ariana 

She shrugged and claimed, "Because then I have to study for one less subject and still maintain the perfect score." Soon we had reached the muggle studies classroom and both of them entered in and I made my way toward the library. The library has kind of always been my sanctuary, I go there anytime I get. 

Entering the library, I went directly into the section where they keep books about vanishing spells. I took a couple of books on vanishing spells and made my way towards the end corner of the library.

The books were spread around me in a semi-circular manner and parchment with half the assignment done sat in front of me as I scanned for the next answer in my textbook. Then suddenly, I heard shuffling and some whispering. It seemed two boys were talking, well more like arguing.

The voices got closer and I heard Snape's voice clearly "Don't get on his bad side Black, He is not very forgiving and" He suddenly stopped as soon as he noticed me. Black who was walking next to snape froze. Snape just gave me a dangerous look and then whispered something to Black and left. Black was rooted in his spot and didn't seem to have any intentions of moving. 

His icy blue eyes scanned the area around me and finally, our eyes met. He cleared his throat, mumbled, "You have dirt under your eye." And left. I subconsciously reached there and wiped.

After I finished the assignment which was approximately an hour which meant that the next class was about to start. The one I have been dreading since the morning.PORTION.


Hello guys,

Sorry for the late update. I was sick for a couple of days. I am better now but still a little under the weather. The video credits do not belong to me.

Hope you enjoy this chapter 

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon