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Summer break had been brilliant this year. For once, Mom and Dad were home a lot more, and we got to do tons of fun family activities together. we spent days exploring the nearby woods, experimenting with magical recipes in the backyard, and playing Quidditch. I think its because they want us to feel as normal as posible with everything happening in the world. The growing attacks on muggles and muggleborns didn't go unnoticed by any of us but we ignored it for the sake of our parents

James, Sirus and I had also joined Ari a couple of times to go swimming and hiking which was awesome Varun joined us sometimes and Hugh was in Italy with his uncle. One sunny afternoon, while Dad was engrossed in brewing a new potion and Mom was reading a book on magical creatures, our letters from Hogwarts arrived.

 I tore into mine eagerly.

"Blimey, I got 10 OWLs!" I exclaimed. "All Outstandings except an Exceeds Expectations in History of Magic."

"Nice one, sis!" James said. "Not surprised you slept through Binns' lectures. I'm just glad I passed everything too." Sirius add with a cheeky smile "Yeah me too." James said.

Mom beamed at us. "This calls for a celebration! How about we go to La Royale tonight, your favorite Anni?"

"That would be amazing, thanks Mom!" I said.

I couldn't help but notice the familiar red and gold seal on his Hogwarts letter. As he opened it, his eyes widened in shock, and a stunned silence filled the room.

"I'm... I'm the Head Boy," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, disbelief etched on his face and our expressions defiantly just as stunned.

Mom was the first to react, she actually shrieked and crushed James in a huge hug. "Head Boy! Oh, my talented boy!"

Dad clapped James on the back while Sirius and I laughed. "Congratulations, son. Your mother and I always knew you had it in you," Dad said, his voice filled with pride.

"Who knew a troublemaker like you could make Head Boy?" I teased. "Dumbledore has finally lost his marbles!."

At this, James tossed a cushion at me playfully, which I caught easily, making a mocking face at him.

"Very mature, Mr Head Boy," I laughed.

James just chuckled. "Ah come on, being Head Boy doesn't mean I have to become a total stickler for rules. I can still have a bit of fun."

He exchanged a knowing look with Sirius, who was barely containing his glee. "Congrats mate! This means doing pranks will be a lot easier this year" Sirius said.

"Should've known you two would find a way to abuse James' new power for mayhem," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Now Annabelle, give us some credit," Sirius replied. "We solemnly swear to use these prestigious badges only for good!"

He gestured to the Head Boy badge and my prefect one. I just swatted his arm with another cushion.

"Sure, I definitely believe that." But I was smiling. 

After celebrating James' Head Boy news a bit more, it was time to head out to dinner at La Royale as planned. We Flooed from home right to the restaurant's majestic fireplace.

As we were escorted to our table by a waiter, I gazed around at the opulent space in awe. Gilded ceilings, floating candles, windows revealing starry skies - it was like stepping into a palace.

Once seated, a sommelier brought over a bottle of their finest elf-made wine, pouring each of us a glass. Mom raised hers in a toast.

"To my wonderful children and their outstanding achievements. I'm so proud of you all."

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora