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Lunch was uneventful, and soon it was time for the class she was dreading the most – Potions. Walking to the dungeons was always a gloomy and creepy affair. As she walked alone, she heard footsteps fast approaching from behind. Just as she rounded the corner, a person rushed past her. If she had not been careful, they would have collided with her. However, seeing someone run out of the dungeons was nothing new. She soon reached the potions classroom and found a seat beside Ariana.

Varun spoke sarcastically from behind them, as Nott and Zabani took seats next to them. "Isn't this lovely?" he said. Nott sneered at him, "Well, well, look who has a dirty mouth. The mud blood." She was about to retaliate when Varun caught her hand before she could do anything. Professor Slughorn passed by, and she sat down with a huff as Nott and Zabani laughed quietly.
Regulus who was seating in the front was glaring at the book in front of him all the memories from the summer holiday kept flooding his mind. 

"Welcome to a new year," the professor started gaining everyone's attention, "Today, we will learn about the Healing Potion. Please turn to page 245 in your textbooks." He went on about it for half an hour. Regulus's mind was now occupied with the professor's words, and so was everyone else. As soon as the bell rang, he closed the book in front of him, and the professor said, "Now, you will all make this potion in the next class. You will write about the healing potion's history, effect, and making for your assignment. I'll see you all in the next class." Annabelle started to pack up her things when her ink bottle spilled all over a passing student, leaving a big stain on the side of his robe. She slowly tore her eyes away from it to see who it was, and she couldn't believe her luck. If looks could kill, she would be buried six feet under. Nott's voice rang out, "I guess it's your clumsiness that's going to get you killed, Potter." She apologized, knowing it was her fault, and also terrified of how he looked at her.

Regulus finally let out a sharp breath and looked beside him to find out who was the culprit and closed his eyes. After opening his eyes, he lowered himself down to her, he felt his heart race a million miles as her dewy smell overwhelmed his senses, and Annabelle took a sharp breath as her eyes met his. "There are times when all I think about is murdering someone. Be glad this isn't one of them," he said in a low growl knowing very well that if it was anyone else he would have definitely ripped their head off.. Then he walked away, leaving her to take deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Well, good luck sleeping at night," Ariana said as she stood up. "I would have probably peed in my pants if he said that to me," Hugh said. The rest of the day went by a little uneasily for her. Her legs still felt like they were shaking even after an hour. She was usually not scared easily, but Regulus affected her more than anyone else had.

Later, as they were sitting at the dinner table, she was joined by her brother and his friends. James and Sirius sat on either side of her, and Remus sat on the other. Peter was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, James put his hand on her leg and tried to stop it from shaking. "Will you stop that? It's distracting," he said in an annoyed voice.

"I would if I could, but I can't," she replied. "I didn't know you could be affected so much," Hugh said. "Yeah, me either," she said as she ate a huge spoonful of spaghetti. James asked, "Affected by what?" She glared at Hugh to make sure he didn't say anything about what happened, but Ariana started speaking in a low voice, "Well, today after Potions, there was this incident with a Slytherin." 

James and Sirius banged their fists on the table, demanding to know who had caused their friend trouble. The young woman sitting with them tried to calm them down. "Calm down, it wasn't a big deal," she said, but Sirius pointed out that her leg was still shaking. She explained that she had spilled ink on Regulus, but James and Sirius had already jumped up from their seats before she could finish her sentence. The young woman quickly caught up with them and grabbed their hands. "Stop it," she pleaded. "I don't need you to fight my battles, and certainly not the ones that don't exist. I spilled and apologized, and he accepted my apology in a weird way. There's no need to make a scene."

After some persuasion, the young woman convinced her friends to sit down and eat. She promised to tell them the way Regulus had accepted her apology, but only if they promised to behave. They agreed, and once they were back at the table, the young woman started eating. However, James and Sirius kept staring at her. She finally relented and told them, "There are times when all I can think about is murdering someone, be glad this ain't one of them." James and Sirius were shocked, but the young woman reassured them that she could handle Regulus.

Later that evening, the young woman was patrolling the third floor with Hugh. It was very quiet, and everyone was already in their common rooms. Suddenly, Hugh asked, "So tell me, has anyone caught your eye, Anni?" She shrugged and replied, "I don't think so. What about you?" Hugh hesitated before admitting, "Well, there is someone, but I don't think she will like me. She is bubbly, charming, and beautiful." The young woman was excited to hear this and pressed Hugh for more information. However, their conversation was interrupted by a soft, low growl from around the corner.

Regulus had arrived, and his eyes locked onto the young woman's. She glared back at him, and Hugh asked, "What are you doing here, Black?" Regulus responded with a derogatory remark about mudbloods.

As Black's eyes met hers, she spoke louder than intended. "You are an asshole. Don't you ever use that word for my friend again or I won't hesitate to hex you," she said firmly. He laughed at her threat and took a step toward her, causing her to step back involuntarily. Something flickered in his eyes too quickly for her to discern. "Your empty threats don't scare me, Potter. You are all too weak to fight me. Come at me when you grow up, little Potter," he taunted before turning around and leaving.

Her hand shook with anger, and Hugh took it to comfort her. She pointed her wand at Black's back and muttered a spell, causing his hair color to change to scarlet red. Hugh chuckled, and she smirked. "You learn a few tricks being around the Marauders," she shrugged.

Afterward, they walked to Ravenclaw tower and met Varun and Ari, where they talked and read books before finally going to sleep.

I am so sorry guys its has been such a weird time for me.

And on top of that this pandemic.

Hope you all are safe and sound.

and I promise to write more often.

stay home, read and stay safe.


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