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I sat down on the common room couch after grabbing Frankenstein from the bookshelf.

Ari, Varun, and Hugh were already sitting on the other couch.

"Don't you guys wanna see if you made the team?" Ari asked

I shrug opening the book while Varun mumbled something about us getting in as we are the best they got.

"Potter I have been looking  for you." Jos's voice echoes through the room and I look at him puzzled.

"What can I help you with Jos," I Say as I close the book and place it on the table in front of me.

"Can you" he makes a weird gesture with his head." follow me."

I get up and follow him.
"You know it's my last year." He starts as we walk down the empty corridor. I nod

"I was thinking of suggesting you as a captain for the coming year." A wide smile took over my face and I gave a bone-crushing hug to him.

"Well well, now we know why little potter is on the team." I heard Nott sneer.

Jos and I looked over and saw Nott, Goyle, and Black. I folded my hand against my chest and glared at them.

"The muddblood loves the traitor. How cute." Goyle adds.

Black stood there with no interest at all.

"You need to keep your noses out of others business," I growl

"The muddblood loves the traitor. How cute." Goyle adds.

"That's it." I say and point my wand at them and Nott points his wand at us.

"You think you are above other just cause you were born to a wizard." I say "let me tell you that you are nothing but a foul git that needs blood status to make them feel superior because they have no talents and magical ability whatsoever."

"Crusio," Nott screams and before I could do something Jos pushes me out of the way and the curse hits him. He screams out in agony and I watch in horror. Before he could make another move.

"expelliarmus," I say pointing at Nott and he fell backward and his wand flew away from him.

As I point my wand at Goyle he ran away. Then I point my wand at Black. And I stared at him and he stared right back. Not even a single emotion or moment from him.

"You should take him to the hospital wing." He says and walks away passing my be. And I was rooted at the spot until he did.

Just as I realize what happened. I did as he said. Took jos to the hospital wing.


The morning of Halloween all prefects, volunteers, and the head boy n head girl have gathered in the great hall to decorate it.

On either side of me stood Hugh and lily.

"Everyone here has been given a specific task." Oliver the head boy says

"If you are done with it can and either of us and we will give another task if any need be," Hazel adds.

"Chop chop gets to work we need this hall to look like something from the other world."

Lily, I, Remus, Hugh, and two Hufflepuff that I don't know are doing the lights.

I start to mutter spells and enchant orange golden silver-blue lights on the walls.

We did floating lights in different shapes and around and inside different things it is starting to come together.

After 3 hours all of us were done with lights, the hall was glowing with amazing lighting and I made my way to hazel.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now