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Hello everyone, 

If you are here it means you have probably read the Introduction but I changed the cast yeaterday if you started the story now you probably know the new cast but if you started earlier you probably dont. So at the end of the chapter I am adding the changes but if you want go back to intro to check out more!!


Most of the people had left but Ari, Hugh and Varun stayed back, they were going to stay with us until Christmas Eve. We sat around at the fireplace, talking and eating marshmallows. Remus, Sirius and James joined us with some muggle card game called called "If You Had To".

 It was a game where one player would draw a card and read the prompt, and then each player would have to choose which of two complex options they would rather do. It was a fun game, but the adult version we were playing was a bit more risqué than the usual version.
 Remus was the first to draw a card. He read it out loud, and it said, "If you had to choose, would you rather have sex with Bellatrix Lestrange or Dolores Umbridge?" We all groaned at the question, but we each took turns answering. Remus chose Bellatrix, Hugh chose Umbridge, Varun chose Bellatrix, Ari chose Umbridge, and I chose Bellatrix. It was a tough start to the game, but we all laughed at how awkward the question was.Next up was Sirius. He drew a card that read, "If you had to choose, would you rather spend a night with Hagrid or Grawp?" We all burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of the question. Sirius chose Hagrid, Hugh chose Grawp, Varun chose Hagrid, Ari chose Grawp, and I chose Hagrid. It was a bit easier than the last question, but still quite awkward. 

 James was up next and his card said, "If you had to choose, would you rather snog a Death Eater or a Dementor?" We all cringed at the thought of kissing either one. James chose the Death Eater, Hugh chose the Dementor, Varun chose the Death Eater, Ari chose the Dementor, and I chose Dementor. We all laughed at how ridiculous and uncomfortable the question was.

We all drew a card and answered the prompt at the same time. The prompt read, "If you had to choose, would you rather be stuck in a room with Rita Skeeter or Gilderoy Lockhart for 24 hours?" We all groaned and laughed at the awful options, but we each chose one. I chose Rita Skeeter, Ari chose Gilderoy Lockhart, Varun chose Rita Skeeter, Hugh chose Gilderoy Lockhart, and Sirius and Remus both chose Rita Skeeter.

Remus drew a card for the next round that said, "If you had to choose, would you rather be stranded on a deserted island with Lucius Malfoy or Melory Parkinson?" We all chuckled at the thought of being stuck on an island with either one of them. Remus chose Parkinson, Hugh chose Malfoy, Varun chose Malfoy, Ari chose Malfoy, and I chose Parkinson.

Sirius was up next, and his card read, "If you had to choose, would you rather be caught in a compromising position with a house elf or a centaur?" We all burst out laughing at the absurdity of the question. Sirius chose the centaur, Hugh chose the house-elf, Varun chose the centaur, Ari chose the house-elf, and I chose the centaur.

James drew the next card, which said, "If you had to choose, would you rather have a one night stand with Narcissa Black or Anomendra Black?" We all grinned at the thought of spending a night with either one of them. And all of us instantly choose Anomendra except Sirius, who groaned and said "both of them are my cousins so neither".

For the last round, we all drew a card and answered at the same time. The prompt said, "If you had to choose, would you rather walk in on Dumbledore and McGonagall in a compromising position or Snape and Umbridge?" We all groaned and cringed at the thought of walking in on either scenario. Remus chose Dumbledore and McGonagall, Sirius chose Snape and Umbridge, Hugh chose Dumbledore and McGonagall, Varun chose Snape and Umbridge, Ari chose Dumbledore and McGonagall, and I chose Snape and Umbridge. We all laughed at how uncomfortable the game had become, but it was still a fun way to pass the time.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now