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James and Lily got a place for themselves and Sirius got one for himself, and they all started their Auror Training which meant I was at Potter Manor with Mum and Dad as I read a book and flopped down on the sofa Dad worked on his Potions while Mum was resting, She was sick, again. It has been happening a lot.

Days turned into weeks as the summer unfolded. Potter Manor, usually a place buzzing with laughter and warmth, felt different this year. Mum's recurring illness cast a shadow over our home. Dad spent long hours working on his potions, seeking remedies and solutions, while I found solace in books, losing myself in the worlds within their pages.

Finally, the day arrived when the owls brought our exam results. Excitement fluttered in my chest as I eagerly tore open the envelopes. The parchment revealed a string of O's and E's. Relief washed over me.

"Dad! Mom!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my joy. "I got all O's! I can't believe it!"

Dad beamed with pride. "See? I told you."

Mum entered the room, a gentle smile on her face despite the signs of weariness. "Congratulations, my love. I knew you could do it,"

But there was another surprise waiting for me. A second letter, sealed with the Hogwarts crest, contained my appointment as Head Girl with the Head Girl Badge. The emblem shimmered proudly, and a rush of emotions overcame me. I could hardly believe it, and yet, here it was—a recognition of my hard work and commitment to Hogwarts.

I rushed to share the news with Mum and Dad. Despite her weariness, Mum beamed with pride. "My little Head Girl," she whispered, reaching out to ruffle my hair. Dad, too, wore a proud smile. James and Sirius, couldn't resist teasing me.

"So, Head Girl, any guesses who the Head Boy might be?" James teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Yea, Reggie.

"Tradition dictates you two might fall madly in love." He and Sirius dissolve into snickers.

I rolled my eyes at their teasing, knowing they were enjoying this a bit too much. "I swat James' arm with a dramatic eye roll. "Oh please, that's just a silly stereotype." But their wicked grins make me nervous.

"What about that Ravenclaw, Gildory Lockheart?" James suggests. "He's quite the looker."

I make retching noises. "Ugh, he's such an arrogant arse!" James laughs while Sirius taps his chin ponderingly.

"Barnaby Quillsworth then? I hear he's a decent bloke, weird quill obsession aside."

Even Sirius joins the absurd matchup game. "Ooh, what about brooding library bloke Alaric Thorne? He seems your type!"

I swat at them both, hiding my flushed face. "Oh stop! I doubt I'll end up dating any of them.". Because I am already dating Regulus. I thought as a certain grey-eyed Slytherin lingers in my thoughts instead.

Sirius couldn't resist adding fuel to the teasing fire. "You know, there's a strong contender for Head Boy that you haven't considered."

I raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious. "And who might that be?"

Sirius grinned mischievously. "My dear little brother Regulus Black. Wouldn't that be a surprise?"

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Regulus's name, and I felt an unexpected warmth spreading across my cheeks. "Regulus? Head Boy?" My breath catches at the mention of Regulus as I try to sound casual.

Before I could respond, James took a more serious tone. "If Regulus becomes Head Boy, promise us you'll keep your distance. I don't want my little sister involved with that slimy git." I swatted James's arm in protest. "Oh, come on! It's just a silly idea. And He is not a Slimy Git."

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now