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"What the hell?!" I hear James' loud voice scream, and I instinctively shuffle closer into Regulus, his hands tightening protectively around me. We've inadvertently ended up falling asleep together in my bed for a week now, and I suppose this was bound to happen.

"Get the hell off her!" James shouts, face mottled with rage. He grabs a fistful of Regulus' shirt, hauling him halfway off the bed. I cast a Muffliato Charm to make sure James doesn't wake up Harry.

Regulus' eyes blaze, though he stays silent, clearly not wanting to provoke James further. Heart racing, I scramble between them.

"James, stop!" I cry, shoving ineffectually at his chest as he looms over us. James ignores me, shaking Regulus roughly. "Think you can sneak around with my sister, you filthy snake?" he snarls, his grip on Regulus tightening.

Regulus, although clearly provoked, maintains his silence. His steely gaze meets James', and there's a flicker of something, his fist is clenched beside him and I let my hand grab his arm and sank my palm into his, and he instantly relaxes as our fingers intertwine.

"How dare you come anywhere near my sister," he seethes through gritted teeth. "How dare you lay your filthy hands on her, you Death Eater scum!" James bellows, his face inches from Regulus'.

Regulus clenches his jaw, his eyes flashing with a mix of frustration and restraint. He remains eerily silent, absorbing James' insults without uttering a word. I interpose myself, desperately trying to create some physical distance between the two. "James, stop it!"

"Stay out of this, Annabelle!" James snaps, his gaze never leaving Regulus. "I want answers from him." I open my mouth to respond to James, but Regulus suddenly cuts me off.

"I love her!" he blurts out, his usual mask of calm finally cracking under the pressure.

James reels back as if struck, momentarily stunned into silence. I freeze, scarcely believing the words I've longed to hear Regulus say for so long.

Regulus looks between me and James uncertainly, some of his bravado fading. But then he squares his shoulders and lifts his chin.

"I love her," he repeats, softer but no less vehement. His stormy eyes find mine, conviction shining through. "I have for a long time."

"You... love her?" James stammers, his anger momentarily giving way to disbelief.

Regulus nods, his gaze steady. "More than anything."

"You think you can just say you love her and all is forgiven and you can just waltz in and sleep with her?" he snarls, jabbing an accusatory finger at Regulus. "I know blokes like you - you don't know the first thing about love!"

Regulus' eyes flash, but before he can respond, I grab James' arm. "James, please, calm down!" I implore, hands raised placatingly. "Regulus and I have been seeing each other for over a year."

James rounds on me, betrayal etched across his face. "You kept this from me? From Sirius?" He jabs an accusing finger at Regulus. "Do you have any idea what his family stands for?"

I lift my chin defiantly. "I know exactly who he is. And I love him, James." Behind me, Regulus relaxes.

James looks like I slapped him. "Love? Him?" He drags both hands through his unruly hair, visibly struggling to contain himself.

I soften my voice. "Give him a chance, James. I know this is...a shock." I reach for his hand beseechingly. "But he makes me happy. Truly happy"

James ignores my pleading, rounding on Regulus again. "I don't care what lies you've fed my sister," he seethes. "You're still the same bigoted pureblood under all your smooth talk!"

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now