Ending: Yurei Shigaraki

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It isn't hard to understand. I am dead. The lack of pain in my lungs and head make that very clear to me. A soft breeze plays with my hair and loud cries of grief reach me from all around me.

I open my eyes and look down at my own body. Tomura is holding me against his chest while Kat sits beside him, holding my hand. Both boys are crying and all I want to do is to take them in my arms and tell them how everything is alright, that life will go on for them and that I am no longer in pain. Unfortunately, that won't be possible.

The sounds of people crying draws my attention to the left. Jin is holding Himiko to his chest as the girl cries loudly against him. Behind them I notice Izuku. The boy has wide eyes as he looks at my lifeless body. I don't pay too much attention to him as a loud scream pulls me to my right side. Denki stands there. He is frozen as tears slide down his cheeks. Meanwhile Tsu is shaking him, trying to snap him out of it. She is failing. Mirio and Tamaki aren't far away from them. Their hands connected in a tight hold, reassuring the other that everything will be okay. Both boys have tears in the corners of their eyes.

A figure walks over to Tomura and Kat. He kneels down beside my head and places his scarred hand over my eyes, closing them.

"You stupid girl. Why don't you ever rely on us? You didn't have to... you didn't have to sing him to death! Why... Why...?!"

Dabi shakes badly as soft sobs escape him. Thankfully, Hawks lands behind him, pulling him in a tight hug. He won't be alone. None of them will be alone. I made sure of that.

What surprises me is the suitcase Hawks has with him. He takes the contract I have in my free hand and takes a picture, sending the safety committee the last of my contracts.

"Don't worry girly. I'll take good care of your bunch of idiots."

A smile forms on my lips and I decide that all of them will be fine. Kat will return to Kiri and Hawks will take care of my family. He'll take care of Tomura.

I take one last look at everyone present before turning around and walking away, towards the white light that's waiting for me.

"Mikaela, are you sure that you want to move on?"

"What other choice do I have?"

Though my feet stop moving, I don't turn around to face the person talking to me.

"How about you join me for a cup of tea? Hear me out?"

I slowly turn towards the voice and find that my friends and family are gone, hidden by a white wall. Before me stands a tall woman with black hair that reaches the ground. She wears traditional Japanese clothing and her movements are graceful as she makes her way over to a small table with a pillow on each side. She sits down and patiently waits for me to join her. I don't make her wait long.

"Who are you?"

"I have many names, but you can call me Iza."


She nods and pours me a cup of tea. She hands it to me and I take it from her.

"And what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

She giggles softly as small horns grow from the sides of her head, her gentle blue eyes turning black and demonic.

"You see, I used to be a goddess before I fell into the underworld. Yet from that dreadful place I could watch the worlds we created."

"Worlds you created? Underworld? You are Izanami! The wife of Izanagi!"

"Very good, my child. Together we created many worlds and even though my heart has turned dark towards the other Gods, I can't help but to love my human children. Especially this world has a special place in my heart. The quirks given to people are carefully chosen and granted to bloodlines. Unfortunately, it seems that the Gods have made a couple of mistakes. By that I mean that they gave the wrong people the wrong quirks."

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