36. Another device.

259 17 3

I stand with Shigi in front of my shadows. I figured that I would be nice and give him an easy trip to the doc's lab. Our fingers are intertwined as he kisses me softly yet deeply.

"I'm leaving the front to you."

"You've got it."

"I gave Machia the orders to listen to you. I might even have told him that you could take him out if you wanted to so, if he challenges you... sorry."

"That's alright. Now... I'll see you in 2 to 3 months."

"4... 4 months. Or do you know something that I don't?"

I just smirk at him and pull my hand back from his before pushing him to the shadows covering the wall.

"Just go, you idiot. Don't worry about us here."

"I don't think I'll have the time."

He turns back and kisses me once more before entering the shadows, leaving me behind in an empty hallway. Though I don't have to wait long till a blond birdy joins me.

"He's gone?"

"Yeah... couldn't convince him to stay... I have a feeling I'll regret not trying harder later on. Oh well, can't change it anymore. Besides, Dabi is with him for now."

I grab his hand and look him straight in the eyes.

'What is the status with spreading your intel?'

"How do you...?"

'Quiet. Speak with me through the mental link. Not out loud. You never know who's watching.'

'Right... To answer your question, I'm going to give the book to Endeavor later today. Like you told me to.'

I grin and pull my hand back.

"Want some company?"

"You're asking me if I want you to join me on my coffee run?"

"Duh, what else does it sound like?"

He grins and pulls me out of the building before stopping and smirking at me.

"Race you there?"

I don't answer him but instead I blow him a kiss while I step back into the shadows. He's gone before I can even close the shadow. The moment I step out, I grab the gangster kid that's about to be taken down by Kat while Hawks flashes by me and takes the other guy down. Leaving both of the interns standing with wide open mouths.

"Oh! You guys must be interns! Sorry, looks like we were one step faster!"

Both of the gangsters are knocked down and I quickly tie their hands together before joining the others. Seems like I missed part of the conversation that's going on, but I don't care much. I lean against Hawks' side and grin at my classmates. Endeavor looks like he wants to kill me and just glares at me.

"Contact me in advance if you're planning on coming here."

"Well, I just happened to be floating by. And Spectre stalks me like a bee does with honey. Can't be mad at me for her tagging along."


He chuckles while they turn in the criminals and I wait with my classmates. I place Kat's hand on my shoulder before grabbing both Sho's and Izuku's hands in my own.

'Hawks is going to give Endeavor a code. Izuku, you might speed things up if you help him crack it. Kat, I need you to check my list of recruitments often. I might update it every now and then. Relay the updates to the others. Sho, work on flashfire. You'll need it.'

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