23. Another quirk?

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The night is restless. Nightmares keep me awake all night and it is pure torture. Tears are staining my cheeks and Sho's chest, but I can't push myself to wake the boy and to ask him for help.

The dreams follow a storyline. A story of two brothers. The worst part is that I know them. I even met one of them in person. He goes by the name All For One. The dreams showed me how he figured out how his quirk worked, what he could do and how he picked his first victims. I saw all the people he killed for his own gain. They were laying on the ground in their own blood. I wanted to puke at the sight.

In the end I woke Sho anyway when I quickly rushed to the bathroom to throw up. The boy quickly followed after me, held my hair up and rubbed my back.

I know that he means well but honestly, it's not helping. Just the memories of those mangled bodies are enough to make me feel nauseous again.


Today in class we'll have a couple of special guests who are going to give us a lecture about the dangerous side of being a hero. Even though I was dead tired because of the nightmares, I was being a good girl. I dressed up in my uniform for the first time, put my hair in a bun so I wouldn't smack anyone with my braid, actually got my books. You get the point...

Then why am I still getting yelled at?! I'm so not in the mood for this shit.

"You are the girl that has been making my Shoto disobedient!"

You have got to be kidding me... Endeavor of all people...

Shoto was just sitting in the back of the class, silently glaring at his father. Seems like him showing up at his extra license classes hasn't fixed anything, huh?

"Are you so ashamed of yourself that you don't even dare to speak anymore?!"

The big man walks up to me and stands before me, correction, towers over me.

Slowly I push myself out of my chair into a standing position and look up at him, straight in the eyes.

"I'm very sorry, mister ex-number 2." I give him my fakest smile and step up on my chair so I'm almost his height. "I wasn't aware that being friends meant that I was a bad influence."

"Why, you little...!"

He reaches out to me but Aizawa stops him by clearing his throat.

"That is still my student you're talking to, in my classroom. Just reminding you."

I step down from my chair and chuck my pen at Katsuki's head as I hear him snicker behind his hand. He snaps around in his chair and glares at me. Something I return with a middle finger.

Endeavor is still glaring down at me as I sit back down, ignoring his presence.

"I am the new number 1. You will respect me."

I turn my attention back to him.

"Not if you keep up this tough act. People want someone to rely on. Not someone who will burn them along with the villains."

"I would never!"

"But you sure act like you would."

"Miki, enough."

I turn to the owner of the new voice and smile at him. Shoto gives me a look that screams warning. I shrug and turn my attention to the door that's opening. From shock I jump out of my chair.

"Best Jeanist!"

The hero is walking on crutches and gives Kat a small smile before looking at me with confusion. A look which soon turns into a frown.

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