30. Fresh start.

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Another week goes by and I realize that a certain battle is soon to be upon us. I know that everyone is going to be fine so why am I worried? Do I have so little fate in my friends?

"Spectre? Earth to Spectre."

"Yeah, sorry. Just lost in thoughts."

"I could see that. I have a stack of files for you to sign and then you can take the first of your new employees to their new home.~"

"Tsukauchi... I hear that fake enthusiasm..."

"I don't know what you're talking about~"

I roll my eyes and sign the papers that need signing before handing them back to him. He checks them quickly before putting them in a safe.

"Now then. The first 5 will be released today. The others are still a work on progress."

"Right. You'll probably be happy when this is over. You've seen me like what? Every day now?"

"Oh, yeah. I can't wait for the peace and quiet to return to my life."

"What? Missed your dates with some donuts?"

"I'm not a stereotype, Spectre."

"Uhu. If you say so~"

He smacks the back of my head just as I open the door the leads to the ex-criminals. They all look at us as I start cussing at Tsukauchi.

"The hell, old man?! What did I do this time?!"

"Your sass levels are through the roof, young lady!"

"Ow, please!" I put my hands on my hips, my back to the criminals. "Like you don't have a high sass level."

"Just because I allow myself to show that side of me around you, doesn't mean that everyone on earth needs to know about it!"

I groan loudly and turn to face my new employees. Mustard is laughing behind his hand and I send him a quick wink.

"You all ready to get out of here?"

"Hell yes! Hey Miki, think we can get a drinking contest started?"

"You mean like the old times, Deidoro?"

"Yeah! Exactly like that!"

"Maybe tomorrow. For now, I need you all to help me fix the agency. It's still under renovation you know."

"Wait, you're going to make us work on our first day? That's harsh, even for you, Miki."

"Stop complaining, Shin! Be happy I'm getting your asses out of here."

"Can we at least fight?"

"Rappa... you've got to be kidding me..."

Mustard is the first to make his way over to me.

"Can we just go already? Don't you have a car waiting or something?"

"A car? No way! That would just be wasting time."

"Are we using your shadows, Miki?"

"Very observant, as always. It's as Shin says, we'll be using my shadows. So, if you lovely bunch would follow me... By the way, I hope that none of you are afraid of the dark."

I turn around and flip the light switch off, making the room a pitch black.

"I'll see you later, Tsukauchi"

"Just get going already!"

He slams the door closed, leaving me alone with the boys. I make the room one big 'portal' and make it exit in a dark room of the HQ.

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