34. Himiko Toga.

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I spend the next morning in class like I was supposed to. I just never expected to see a perfect copy of myself enter the classroom. Aizawa stopped teaching and everybody became quiet.

The other me her eyes were dull and when her mouth opened, she started singing. I knew immediately what type of song it was when my head started hurting and I grabbed my head in pain. Her eyes were focused on me and I was the only one reacting to her song, meaning that she was only targeting me. After only seconds blood started flowing out of my nose, ears and eyes. Dizziness was taking over. She was trying to kill me...

Thankfully Aizawa was the one to act quickly as he cut off her quirk with his own and knocked her out within seconds but the damage was already done. Blood was running out of my nose and down my chin while my eyes were blurry and my head was pounding. But I had to see who it was. Who was she and why did she try to kill me? The other me started melting until Himiko was left. What the fuck? Why would she attack me?!

Kat rushed over to me and wiped the blood from my face.

"Mik? You okay?"

"I'm alive... Why... why would Himiko..."

Aizawa looked down at the girl and frowned when he saw fresh stitches in her neck.

"Did she get another surgery after Recovery Girl healed her?"

"No... But Tomura did send her to Doc to... Oh my God."

"Mik? What is it?"

I didn't answer Katsuki as I reached in my bag for the small chip that allows us to talk to Doc. Unfortunately, I was so dizzy that I fell forward and didn't even get anywhere near my bag. Kat quickly caught me and sat down on the floor with me.

"Deku! Get Eri."

Izuku was frozen in place and didn't move.

"Deku...! Izuku!"

Kat using the boy his name woke him from his shock and he quickly rushed out of the room with the goal to get Eri from the dorms.

"What did you want to get from your bag?"

"A small chip... It's a communicator..."

Kiri sits down beside us and searches around in my bag until he finds the chip. He hands it to me and I place it underneath my ear before pressing the button.

"Doc... what did you do to Himiko?" My voice sounds strained and I'm clearly in pain.

"Hello, Mikaela. Why won't you come over and have me examine you? You don't sound too good."

"I'll never let you touch my body, you creep. Now tell me! What did you do with her?!"

"It's simple really, I used her for an experiment."

"You... used her for an experiment? What did you do?"

"Now why would I tell you?"

"Want to play this game? Fine. I know your location, Doc. I'm at school, surrounded by heroes. Try me."

I didn't get an answer for a little while and I was getting impatient.

"I put a device in her neck..."

"How do I get it out?" I was getting really angry at this point.

"Just... open her up and cut the wires that you see..."

"I swear if this kills her... "

"It won't. I guarantee it."

"Touch my people again and I'll personally end your life."

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