3. A day with explodie boy.

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The teachers' lounge is smaller than I thought it would be. In front of me sits Nezu with Aizawa at his side. They are discussing what to do with me. They already came to conclude that Kirishima was leaning on the table I vanished into before I was absorbed by his body. So apparently touch is an important thing with my gift. Could it be called a quirk? I'm uncertain.

"So, Mikaela, you are as clueless as we are, correct?"

I simply nod once. I've embarrassed Kirishima enough for one day.

"Why were you crying when you entered... Kirishima's body?"

"Because it was dark. I couldn't see, I couldn't hear and I couldn't move. I was just existing. It was terrifying. And then my mind started taking a turn to dark thoughts. So, the moment I was pulled out of there, I was so relieved. You can't even imagine..."

The little mouse gets off the couch and wobbles his way over to me. He places his paw on my leg and smiles up at me. 

"I would like you to try and move yourself to my body. See if you can figure that out."

I nod and focus on the touch of the paw and before I know it, I am in Nezu's body. 

'It worked!'

We look up at Kirishima who stares down at us with a wide grin.

"Good job Mikae... Mikaela?"

'Guess I'm gonna go with Miki from now on.'

Nezu chuckles softly and places his paw on Aizawa.

"Now try again."

Aizawa is clearly not comfortable with this but remains silent as I hop over to his body.

'I'm getting a hang of this!'

"It appears so... you're not in control now though."

'That is a problem for another time.'

"If you say so..."

'By the way, Aizawa... I never should have told you that this is a manga. But just because you know that I know what is going to happen doesn't mean that I will change certain things. Nor will I tell you about everything. Because honestly, changing small things is too much of a risk. Who knows how it might change the future and that would make me useless during more impactful scenarios.'

He just nods and stares at Kirishima.

"Will you take her back to class? Just hand her over to Bakugo and make her his problem for the day."

He really wants me out of his body, huh? 

Kiri slowly nods and Aizawa places his hand on his shoulder so I can hop back to Kiri. This time the boy is in control but I don't mind at all. 

'Soooooo.... Can I call you Kiri?'

"I guess... What should I call you?"

'Can you tell everyone to call me Miki? Mikaela might be too hard for some people, cough, cough, Denki, cough.'

We both laugh as we enter the classroom and Kirishima smoothly places his hand on Bakugo's shoulder. I quickly move back over to Bakugo and remain silent so the boy isn't aware of me just yet. Good thing I did this quickly because within a second Kiri's hand is pushed off the shoulder by an explosion. 

"Don't touch me, shitty hair!"

Kiri pulls his hand back and chuckles. 

"She's sticking with the name you gave her by the way. She wants to be called Miki."

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