6. Izuku Midoriya.

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This boy is a mess. No other way to describe him. His heartbeat was all over the place and his eyes kept flashing between people. Can't he calm down for a fucking minute? Sheesh...

'Izuku, please... close your eyes and take a deep breath. I know that you just heard you're offered an internship but for the sake of all I care about please... calm down!'

He did as I asked, and he slowly calmed down before opening his eyes once more. All Might came around the corner and looked at us, his eyebrow raised.

"Young Midoriya, Young Miki, how are you taking the news?"

Izuku just looked at him blankly, but I felt his heartbeat speed up once more. Knowing Izuku he will erupt in a rant, so I prepared myself for the headache to come as he started yelling.

Yelling that he couldn't believe it and that he didn't know who Grand Torino was. Blah blah blah...

Tomorrow the internships will begin, and I have to decide who I want to stick with. Do I want to meddle in the Stain fight? Everything will turn out okay anyway so maybe I should stick to Bakugo and not interfere with that fight at all? Maybe help the hedgehog restore his hair to its original spikiness? I haven't been with Shoto nor have I been with Iida. And this not the time to start getting to know them.

I won't change unnecessary things. I promised myself this and I also told Aizawa this. Can't go and break that promise now, can we?

I could go with Kiri, but I am unsure of what he would be doing during his internship so that's a no go. Bakugo seems to be my safest option. I never thought I'd say that... like... ever. But unfortunately, it seems to be true.

I'm brought back to the conversation when I hear familiar voices enter the hallway. It's Bakugo and his group of friends. Though, he would never admit the fact that they're friends or that he appreciates them.

I quickly notice that something is off about Kiri. His eyes are cast to the ground and unfocused while he is biting his lip in annoyance. What could be wrong with him?

The moment Kiri notices me and Deku, he pushes past his friends and runs up to us.

"Midoriya, can I borrow Miki for a minute or two? There is something I have to talk to her about... in private."

"Yeah, sure. I'll be in the classroom when you're done."

"Thank you!"

Izuku places his hand on Kiri's arm and I hop over to him.

'What can I do for you, Kiri?'

He doesn't answer me but instead runs down the hallway to the gym.

'Are you going to make me work out?'

My voice is laced with humor, but I don't get an answer from him.

'Oi, Kiri... you're making me worried now.'

He looks around to make sure we are truly alone before sitting down in the far corner of the gym, his eyes on the door, making sure that nobody will enter.

"In your manga... are there any couples? Like cannon couples?"

'Why are you asking?'

"Please, just answer..."

'Okay, ehm... there are romantic hints between characters but no confirmed couples as far as I'm aware... We all know that Uraraka likes Midoriya at some point but that is all I can think of at the moment.'

"So... I'm going to stay single forever, huh?"

'Now, nobody said that. First of all, the manga wasn't finished. Everything can still happen and second of all, I can change things. I can pull some strings to maybe make things work out. Just tell me, who do you have a crush on?'

Bodyless. A bnha x oc storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin