17. Overhaul.

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The darkness surrounds me while I'm searching for a certain someone. I'm wearing a black hoody and black jeans so as long as I'm in the shadows I should be pretty much invisible. Soon I locate my target and get out of the shadows that are cast behind him. The male notices me very quickly and he snaps around, blue flames illuminating his hands.

"Easy Dabi, it's just me."

"Miki? You shouldn't sneak up on people like that."

I grin widely at him and remove the hoody from my head, letting my long brown locks fall down. He kills his flames and walks closer to me.

"Are you done burning people to a crisp?"

"Now what do you know about that?"

"I know that you're recruiting. No, I'm still not interested. But I did come to ask you a favor."

He seems interested and nods his head, meanwhile his hand is raised and playing with the ends of my hair.

"I'm planning something. In between a week and two weeks everything will go to shit for me. I might need your help."

"Just mine?"

"That's for you to decide. You can come alone or pick up some U.A. kids. Or just take the league with you. Can I count on you?"

"Of course, you can. How will we be involved?"

"Tomura will make contact with my targets. He'll lend them two of your members, you're not one of them."

"I think I know enough to recognize the situation."

I move to give him a quick hug before making my way back to the shadows.

"I'll be seeing you around, Touya. And, thank you."

"I told you not to call me that!"

I giggle before pulling my hood on again.

"See you around, princess."

I nod once more before letting the darkness swallow me up once again. It's time to make my way to another target for tonight.

Slowly I step out of the shadow of a random car and turn to the burning car that's now blocking the street. People are running away in a panic, but I remain where I'm at. A small group of men are standing before the fire, watching it burn. They appear to be talking among each other as one of them slowly turns around. His eyes catch mine and I slowly tilt my head.

He just stands there, keeping eye contact with me and his 'friends' turn to look at what caught his eye. One of them wants to approach me but he raises his hand, signaling him to stop moving. He is obeyed.

I feel that weird pull again as my eyes remain locked into his. It makes me uncomfortable but I have to keep up the act. A smile forms on my lips as I break eye contact. Time for me to go home. None of the men spoke as I stepped into the shadows, exiting the scene.


Soon I find myself in area Gamma. The place where my two classmates are going to have a fight. It's a fight that needs to happen so I'm not stopping it. I am too familiar with Katsuki's temper for that.

I stand beside All Might and give him a small smile as we both listen to the boys fight and yell out their frustrations. For some reason he doesn't seem surprised to see me here.

He just gives me a nod but doesn't take his eyes from the fighting boys.

The moment that Katsuki pins Izuku down is the moment he walks up to them and starts his little speech. Katsuki finally gets the explanation he deserves, and I walk up behind the boy.

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