1. Kissing a car.

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Fuck! There is light coming from my window! What time is it? Did I seriously stay up all night to read a damn manga? Ugh! Why do I do this to myself?

I groan loudly and place my iPad beneath my pillow. When I check the time, I notice that I only have one hour left before the alarm clock is supposed to wake me up from the sweet bliss called sleep. 

Welp, that is going to be a day full of consuming coffee, yay. 

Little did I know that the world had different plans for me in store.


After maybe 40 minutes of sleep I wake up surprisingly refreshed. Though the sound of my alarm still annoys the shit out of me so, I turn it off asap.

Before starting my morning routine, I get myself a cup of coffee and sip from it while once again opening the manga I have been reading all night. 

My hero academia is just so damn awesome. Why did I wait with this manga till a week ago? I know that I'm not up-to-date but daaaaaamn, do I want to keep reading till the end. Sucks that it isn't finished yet though...

After 20 minutes of sipping my coffee and reading, my phone alarm rings signaling me that I have 10 minutes left and I curse loudly before rushing to get ready for school.

And that is how I ended up running to school with my hair in a messy ponytail and my sweater backwards. But I made it! Time hasn't won from me just yet!

I enter the classroom just as the bell rings and I drop myself in my seat while panting heavily. I just rushed my ass up three flights of stairs! Don't judge me!

"Glad to know that you have arrived Mikaela. Splendid entry as usual" My teacher looks down at me with an amused expression on her face. 

"You know I'm not the quiet type, miss. And let's be honest, did you expect me to be early on a Monday?"

"No of course not. You being early will be the day that pigs fly. Now please get your books before this lesson itself can be considered history." 

I grab my history books and pay as much attention as always, AKA not at all.

The only reason that my teachers like me is because my grades are still high. Gotta love a photographic memory~.

I drop my head on the table and listen to my teacher talk about some revolutionary characters from the past. She really knows how to catch people their attention even though most kids find the subject really boring. Can't say I'll blame them but still... Why go to school if you don't intent to learn something?

Then again, it IS Monday and well.... nobody likes Mondays. Especially me.

Do you know why I hate Mondays? 1. Because it is the first day after the weekend. 2. It is the longest day for me and 3. I have classes with my ex. Mister popular used me to get more attention and believe me when I tell you that I made him pay for it.

How? Let's just say that for a couple of months the whole school was asking him if he and his 'boyfriend' were still a thing. Hilarious, if you ask me.

And like every Monday I can't wait till the sound of the last bell of the day reaches my ears.

Finally, the hellhole called school releases me and I slowly make my way home. My backpack is heavy on my shoulder but I'm too stubborn to use both of them. Why be gentle to my body when I can be a bitch to it?

My headphones rest on my ears with a deep bass damaging my eardrums as I bop my head to the beat.

On my way, I hop into a store to get some groceries and make my way out of the busy store to leisurely resume my way home. But noooooooo... Fucking traffic lights has to be a bitch and turn red just as I am about to cross it. At least I'm standing at the front so the moment it turns green, I am out of here.

Isn't it funny that that was one of my last thoughts?

I hear a woman yelling a name from the other side of the street and look up to see her rushing around in a panic. Probably lost her child?

And said child decided to appear beside me. He only has eyes for his mother and doesn't even stop his running to think about the traffic that is speeding in front of us. 

Without thinking I drop my bags and reach out to the child. I can feel his small arm in my hand as I throw him back to the sidewalk but by doing so I fall down myself. I last thing I see are headlights inches from my face.

Ironic... I just pulled a Deku. 

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