37. Becoming loved.

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I spend a little over a month helping around at the front. I helped people with small tasks and brought ill people food. Everything to win their loyalty. I didn't go to school since the internships started and I wasn't planning on returning anytime soon.

Slowly but surely, I introduced my people to the front. I simply introduced them as recruits and told everybody that I already checked them. Stain did as I asked and spend every free moment with Spinner. I haven't seen the lizard happier then when I introduced them to each other.

I also started working on La Brava. I spend more time with her and made sure that I could trust her. Gentle was already completely loyal. He has seen the light and is willing to do everything to make sure that La Brava is safe. Even if that means doing stupid tasks he doesn't actually want to do. Actually, he got in an argument with another front member but I just had to give him a look and he agreed to the given assignment within seconds. Smart man.

Speaking of La Brava, I have a quirk that I want to give to her. It might be very useful in the future with the devices Doc is working on. Though I'm unsure how exactly it works.... I guess we'll have to find out.

"You wanted to see me, Miki?"

I'm currently in Shigi's office, staring out the windows.

"Yeah. Close the door please and come here."

She does as I ask and stands before me. I hold my hand out for her and she gets the hint, taking my hand within seconds.

'I've had something planned for you for a while now. But I don't want to force this upon you. Would you be willing to accept another quirk?'

Her eyes widen but she doesn't respond to me. Does she even know how to?

'If you don't know how to answer me you can just give me yes or no answers. That's fine for them to hear.'


'Great! I think it will suit your taste since it is technology based. That's up your alley, right?'


'Fantastic, let me warn you though, it seems to be a painful process.'

"That's okay. I can handle it."

I get up from my chair and pull her into a shadow close by. We exit in an abandoned park. She looks around as we walk to a bench.

"Please, sit down."

Again, she does as I ask without complaints. I stand in front of her and place my hands over her huge eyes.


She takes a deep breath before nodding and I close my eyes as I focus on transferring the quirk I took so long ago, into her tiny body. She groans in pain and grabs my wrist, digging her nails into them. Once I'm finished, I slowly pull my hand away and notice that she is panting softly. And when I look closer, I can see that her eyes have 0's and 1's in them. Computer code, huh? Interesting.

"It seems that it did some physical changes as well. I'm sorry if you don't like them."

"Is it bad?"

"I quite like it. But you'll have to judge that for yourself. Come, I'll take you back so that you can have a look."

She takes my hand once more and I take her back to the front, near a bathroom. She quickly rushes in and I follow after her. She looks at herself and grins at her reflection.

"Seems like my hidden talent isn't that hidden anymore."

I giggle and hand her my phone.

"Let's see what it does."

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