33. Paranormal Liberation Front.

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I turn my head to look at the bed beside mine. Toga is silently sleeping with bandages covering almost her entire body. Her surgery was successful but a very heavy one. She's also heavily sedated so she won't wake up for a little while longer.

Recovery Girl gave me the full report on how she handled the situation. There are no records of Toga being in the hospital and receiving surgery at all. I'm damn grateful for that woman.

The door opens and Aizawa walks in. His expression says enough. He's not hiding his worry nor his anger with me. Thankfully for me, Dabi is sitting at the edge of my bed, holding my hand gently.

"Is she good enough to speak?"

Dabi looks up at my teacher and slowly nods before helping me sit up.

"Hey, Dadzawa... what can I do for you today?"

"Stop joking... you said that you were going undercover... not get your skull beaten in by... I don't even know who or what did this to you."

Dabi sits down beside me to help support my upper body. His arms are gently around me.

"Why did you go there anyway? We could have used you in the fight..."

"They were going to cut off Giran's fingers to lure you guys... I wanted to spare him that fate."

"So, you let Redestro beat your face in?"

"I kind of hoped that he was more reasonable... Like you guys."

"Princess, you can't save everyone from themselves..."

Aizawa pinches his nose before sitting down on the chair that's beside my bed.

"Mikaela... I seriously question your sanity sometimes. And who's idea was it to bring the two of you here anyway?"

"I'm actually curious myself."

"Actually, it was Tomura's idea. He didn't trust the doc with you for some reason and he knew that you have a great doctor here at your school."

"How did he know that you had access?"

"He didn't. Jin and I were supposed to use your shadows to get in here when you woke up again. Instead..."

"Katsuki came along and helped you with taking Toga inside."

"Jin was so confused..."

"I'll have to talk to Jin and Toga once she is strong enough to get out of here..."

"Will you offer them a contract? Just make Toga sign and Jin will follow."

"Yeah, but I'm unsure what Toga wants..."

"Love... that's all she wants."

"I know... but her quirk pushes her to consume the blood of the people she likes... Not very heroic."

"Then how about you take her quirk and modify it for her?" We completely forgot that Aizawa was here... whoops.

"I can try..."

And that's how we spend hours thinking of how to adjust Toga's quirk to make it more friendly for everybody involved.


Soft sounds interrupt our conversation as Toga slowly wakes up.

"Dabs, make sure that she doesn't freak out. Be the first person she'll see."

Dabi nods at me before sitting on the side of Toga's bed.

"Sup, freaky? Welcome back to the land of the living."

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