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After that, it's as if time just doesn't exist. Days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months.

And then those months of planning the wedding turn into years of being married.

And I enjoy every second of being engaged and then married to the best man I've ever met.

Though he has his little things that still sort of tick me off, like when he leaves the toilet seat up, we always work through them. Compromising is the lifesaver of marriage, I grew up around the whole idea.

I walked into my relationship already knowing that I'd have to give up some things like my hair products taking up all of the space on the bathroom countertop.

I had to adjust but I wouldn't think twice about doing it again for Teddy.

I still can't believe that God blessed me with him. I always wanted a relationship like this when I was a child, at first I thought it was just wishful thinking.

One thing that I didn't expect to happen was to miss him literally every day at work.

At first I didn't say anything, do to my embarrassment about being overly clingy.

I actually didn't say much until a little after the wedding when I first found out that I was pregnant with our first child.

"A boy!?"

I could never forget the look on his face, the excitement in his eyes.

I broke down.

It was so unnecessary but afterwards, my doctor told me that I'd be a little over emotional for a little while. Teddy didn't seem to mind but it still made me feel too dramatic.

He just looked at me and rolled his eyes when I told him that I missed him a lot.

"Babe, we've been married for almost a year. You're not tired of me yet?"

Never have been and never will be.

I love to see the new changes in him.

Now, after 12 years of marriage, he's got little grey hairs that tick him off and a bit of a belly but to me, he's as handsome as ever.

I love waking up to him getting ready for work and grumbling about going back to the gym.

Though, I think nothing of it. He's been saying that for years.

We have 3 kids, Henry, Aleah, and our baby Tiana.

And of course I hate having a moody preteen son but Teddy seems to love it.

They bond over baseball and football and strangely Skittles.

I love my kids so much, it pains me to even think about the future.

College and marriage and leaving us...Oh, I don't know how my parents did it.

Then again, I'll still have my Teddy.

"You'll never get rid of me, quit trying you old hag."
Is his favorite thing to say to me, especially after a heated argument.

Oh God, he'll be the death of me.

I love my life with my great family. Especially my energetic little nieces and nephews.

Gabby and Jacob have 4 amazing girls and along with Eli, my brother has little Keith and Sophia.

I love being an aunt and and I absolutely adore the times that we're all together even though it is rare these days.

Everyone seems to be busy all the time, which I get. We all have our own lives now with kids and careers and dreams and...I would have never thought that this is how we'd all end up.

Living in the same town, teachers, businessmen, chefs....parents.

Good ones, at that.

I know that it'll only get harder as the kids grow up and go through heartache and stressing over college and forming a life of their own but at least I'll have the comfort in at least knowing that I won't have to deal with it all by myself.

I'll have my Teddy.

My husband, my rock.

It still sends shivers down my spine till this day. I'll never forget our wedding, it is still the most important day of my life. To finally have it set in stone to share my life with another, to share my children with. I couldn't have made a better decision than saying I do.

Who knew that such simple words would mean so much?

I still relive the day sometimes. Walking down the isle and seeing Teddy looking so dreamy with tears in his eyes...He's just the best. The best husband and the best damn father I know.

I love how much he loves the kids and I'll never forget how careful and timid he was when they were babies. Those years were hard but I loved them so much.

And yeah, our world seems to be changing every day but he's still as kind and happy as ever. Whenever I think back to the very first day I met him, I smile.

I can't even image who I would have ended up with if I hadn't talked to him that day in the library, Id be a whole different person with different kids.
A different life. A different perspective on life.

Living with Teddy for so long has made me a different person than I used to be. He was never one to fret over the small things that we see on the news. Every time something bad happens around us, he just holds me close and whispers that we'll be okay.

"We made it this far, haven't we?"

Oh man, I love him so much.

Who would have thought that we'd still be so in love after 12 years? 12 years of amazing memories and jumping over obstacles....and just being happy with our little family. Our little corner of the world. It's what we are blessed with and basically all I ever wanted.

I just can't wait until the kids grow up and ask how their parents met so that I can sit them down and tell them the story of us.

Me and my Teddy.

*Thank you guys so much for joining me on this roller coaster of a story, you guys are so amazing, I love you all!

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