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Gabby meets me at Taco Bell.

"I heard that there'd be free food."
Jacob walks in talking loudly behind her.

Everyone in the restaurant turn to stare but who's really surprised?
Not me.

Jacob feeds off of attention.

"I hope you don't mind him tagging along. I couldn't find a babysitter."
Gabby says sarcastically, sliding into the booth.

Jacob clears his throat meaningful.

"Brook, if you ever sneak out in the middle of the night again-"

"I'm a grown woman. I don't sneak out."
I cut him off, gesturing angrily for him to sit down.

He does so with a huff.

"-I'll beat your ass, you hear me?"
He finishes, glaring.

I just lean back in the booth, folding my arms.

Gabby looks on worriedly.

"Look. I get that you're all messed up in the brain but that doesn't mean you should go out and do risky things."
She says, frowning at me.

"I'm not messed up in the brain."
I say immediately.

They both share a look.

"That's not even why I called. Forget about it. Please."
I stress, running my fingers through my hair.

Jacob folds his arms.


"I uh....me and Teddy talked this morning. He said some pretty deep stuff."
I feel my hand start to shake at just the thought.

Gabby stares at me curiously.

"What did the fool say this time?"
She rolls her eyes amusedly.

Jacob just leans back.

"Ah. He must have poured out his heart to you. I feel like a proud father."
He chuckles to himself.

We both turn to stare at him.

"Wait, he told you?"
I ask, resting my elbows on the table.

He strugs.

Gabby rolls her eyes.

"Look, Brook. You have to understand that no matter how calm and collected your boy is, he's still a man. And even though they don't like admit it, men can't do everything. They need help. And that's where I come in. At the moment, Jordan is sucking in the confidence department. He's still beating himself up for running away."
He explains slowly.

I twirl a piece of my hair around my finger, thinking it over.

"But I told him that I forgave him. I forgive him."
I say confusedly.

Gabby bites her lip.

"Brook, come on now. This is Jordan we're talking about, he's all over the place."
She says softly.

"There's plenty of things that he is afraid of, B. Every man has a weak spot. Jordan, he's an awesome dude, he really is. But there is just some things that only you can fix. The way you react to the things he says and does is real important."
Jacob continues.

"He's right."
Gabby agrees.

"He asked me to marry him, guys. How am I supposed to face him after that?"
I groan, rubbing my forehead.

Jacob's mouth falls open.


I guess Teddy doesn't tell him everything.

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