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It fucked me up.

I wanted to be the one to say it first.

I guess I should be used to Brook surprising me though.

I wake up in the morning, tending to her needs immediately.

She doesn't say anything about it, so I don't either.

What if she regrets saying it?

My heart drops at the thought.

I peek over at her, she's talking to Lizzy quietly.

She's in a noticeably better mood.

She told me this morning that it only hurts 1 out of the 3 days of her period for her.

I smile over at Gabby who just walked in.

I'm really sad.

We only have 3 days left before we have to go back to Georgia.

I don't want to leave.😭

I want to stay here and make memories with my baby girl and her family.

"Jordan honey, what's wrong?"
Julia asks, handing me a plate of food.

I smile sadly, staring at her.

"Nothing. I'm just going to miss this when we leave."
I say quietly, causing her to frown.

"You're welcome here anytime, sweetie. And whenever Brook is being a bitch, you call okay? I don't want her ruining such a great relationship."

Brook groans, pausing her conversation.

Julia just smirks, rubbing my shoulder gently.

"Teddy, ignore her."
Brook begs, glaring at her mother.

I just smile, not knowing what else to do.

"Let the boy eat. Damn!"
Dad booms, causing me to blush a little.

Brook rolls her eyes.

I start eating.

I'm most definitely going to miss the homemade meals.

Back home I survived off of take out boxes and muffins most of the time.

That's about it.

"So what are the plans today? What are we doing?"
Gabby asks after a few minutes of silence.

Mom and Julia share a smile.

"Well, we're going to take your father out to see the new Star Wars movie."
Julia says, causing everybody (even me) to groan.

I hate Star Wars.
I hope I don't offend anyone, I just find it really boring.


"Dad! You want to go see that?"

"Since when did you start
liking Star Wars?"

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