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I smile sheepishly at everyone as the police officer leads me towards the waiting room.

"Okay. So maybe it was a big deal."
I tell my very grumpy girlfriend as the officer uncuffs me.

"Assault charges. Are you sure there's nothing we can do?"
Jacob walks up to the front desk to complain.

"You owe us 350 dollars, Teddy."
Brook says, watching as I rub my wrists.

"What? The bail was 300."
I say.

She folds her arms.

"We had to drive 3 hours just to come get you. Gas money."

"Come here, baby. I miss you."
I pout, opening my arms.

She rolls her eyes, but stands up anyway.

"You were only locked up overnight. It couldn't be that bad."
Gabby laughs.

I pull Brook close to my chest, letting out a dramatic sigh.

"I saw things that a young man shouldn't."
I shudder.

"Oh, quit being dramatic. Let's go already, I'm hungry."
Gabby complains.

I chuckle, kissing my baby's forehead.

"I thought about you all night, princess."
I mutter in her ear.

She giggles, wrapping her arms around my stomach as we head for the door.

"You look like shit, man."
Jacob informs me as he catches up.

I rub my face tiredly.

"Yeah, I didn't get much sleep last night. Obviously. Cuz who can sleep peacefully on their first night in jail?"
I grumble.

"My poor baby."
Brook coos, patting my cheek.

I roll my eyes at her.

"Are you hungry too? I was thinking we could stop by Taco Bell before we head to the house. "
Gabby says, digging around in Jacob's pockets for the keys.

I shrug.

"I could eat, I guess."

"We're definitely getting him some food."
Brook rolls her eyes, removing her arms as we get closer to the car.

I grab her hand, pulling her right back at the last second.

"Teddy, it's cold."
She complains.

"Mmmhn. I love it when you're demanding, bae."
I mutter in her ear, giving her nose a peck.

"Hurry up and get in, you guys can have sex later."
Jacob complains, closing the driver's seat door behind him.

I smirk down at Brook.

"You heard the man. Geez, stop throwing yourself at me, baby. We're in public."
I accuse.

Her eyes widen.

"Me? Boy if you don't shut up and get your ass in the car."
She waves me off, opening the door.

I chuckle, slapping her ass as I hop in.

"Don't do that."
She complains, getting in behind me.

I do not answer, I'm too busy removing my coat.

"Here gorgeous."
I say softly, handing it to her.

Her eyes soften immediately as she takes my coat and wraps it around herself.

"Thanks, Teddy. You're so sweet to me. Sometimes."
Her cheeks heat up.

"Yeah yeah yeah, we all love each other."
Jacob grumbles, starting up the car.

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