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"Hmm. Maybe I should cover you up. I don't want anyone getting a good look at what I can only touch."
Jordan says thoughtfully, swinging my sandals back and forward absentmindedly as we stroll down the shoreline, enjoying the sun.

I wave him off, too excited to worry about his overprotectiveness.

We arrived a little less than 3 hours ago and so far, there has been nothing that's made my mood shift.


I'm overjoyed actually.

"Aww, stop complaining. I love this."
I gesture out towards the sea.

I haven't been to the beach in a while, I miss how weirdly soothing the sound of the waves is.

The happy parents and excited children present.

The sexy shirtless man holding my hand.

I turn towards him and stare in awe.

"Are you having a good time, Teddy?"
I ask softly, tugging on his hand.

I want to see a smile.

It's the only thing that would make this perfect.

He reads my mind, smiling handsomely.

"I love you, baby girl."
He whispers, wrapping his arms around me and spinning me around.

I laugh happily, holding on tightly.

I could definitely get used to this.

He sets me back on the soft sand slowly.

"Don't forget to watch where you step. I don't want you cutting your feet on anything."
He expresses his concern, furrowing his eyebrows when I wave him off again.

I groan, leaning into him as we continue our little stroll.

"Okay, nurse Teddy."
I say, rolling my eyes.

He shakes his head amusedly, clutching my hand tighter.

"Looks like someone had one too many wine coolers."
He teases, turning us around.

"I only had 2."
I mutter.

"Don't forget that beer you stole​ from me."
He reminds me.

"I didn't steal it. I just borrowed it for a little while."
I correct him.

"When you gave it back it was empty."

I roll my eyes again, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.

He turns slowly.

"You missed."
He pouts adorably, pointing to his lips.

I smile happily, pressing my lips against his.

"Whooah, keep it PG-13, dudes."
Someone teases as we pull away.

Teddy rolls his eyes.

I giggle, waving happily at the surfer who grins at us.



I smile, watching as Teddy scoops up the little boy and hug him.

Gabby coos, reading my mind.

Teddy sits down with him next to his little sand castle.

"You guys aren't getting in the water?"
Lizzy asks, grinning at him.

"Nah, we're going to wait till tomorrow. Right baby?"
Teddy asks absentmindedly, rubbing baby Eli's back affectionately.

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