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I don't look up when the door opens.

I just focus on my laptop screen, munching on a bag of cool ranch Doritos.

Who said self dates were pathetic?

I've been having a blast watching movies and eating junk food by myself when I have a whole girlfriend who's presence alone would make everything better.

Yay me.😒

"Hey, baby."
She says quietly, setting down her bag.

"I'm busy."
I say, pausing my movie.

She sighs, leaning back against the door.

"I'm not in the mood to fight, okay? Just...not right now."

Something happened.

I scowl, biting my tongue to prevent myself from asking.

That's none of my business.

I hate how curious I am.

"You were gone for 3 hours."
I say plainly.


I look up, rolling my eyes and reluctantly kicking aside the covers when I see the look on her face.

"I really don't like you sometimes."
I sigh, opening my arms.

She knows I hate when she looks all sad like that.

How dare she do this to me?
I want to be mad at her not feel inclined to hold her.😡

She sniffles, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I'm sorry."
She mutters into my shoulder.

I just inhale.

I didn't realize how much I missed her being close until now.
I hold her close, running my fingers through her hair.

"What happened?"

She just shakes her head, burying her face in my neck.

"Okay, my love. It's fine if you don't tell me. As long as you're okay."
I mutter, rocking her in my arms.

I say this, yet I am anxious on the inside.

Did he touch her?

Man, I don't want go fight this guy, I hope he didn't fucking touch my girl.😠

I pull away a little, cupping her face in my hands, looking her over.

Not a scratch.

I am suspicious.

"What have you been up to?"
She asks, watching me search her face for any signs of distress.


"Watching movies. Endgame-"

She pushes me away with a glare.

"How fucking dare you?"

I fold my arms.

"You weren't here to watch with me. Not my fault."

I smirk.

I know she's been all hyped up about it since she saw Avengers Infinity War last year.

She folds her arms and pouts.

I ignore it.

"Are you sure you're okay, baby? Please. Talk to me, I want to make sure nothing bad happened. I swear to God-"

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