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I sulk around the house, dragging my feet.


Dante looks up from reading a newspaper on the couch and rolls his eyes when he sees me.

"Sis, stop it."
He complains.

I ignore him.

Today was the last day of school before Thanksgiving break and everyone was so happy when the bell rang.

Not me.

Because we are leaving for Washington tommorow, which is a good thing.

I get to see my parents.

But that means that I don't get to see my Teddy for a week.😥

I groan sadly, feeling depressed.

Dante warns, glaring.

I huff.

"Can you drop me off at his house? Thanks to you, I have to go tell him that I'm leaving. He's going to be so disappointed."
I say, trying to make him feel bad.

It's not fair.

Both Lizzy and Jacob get to go.

I want to bring someone for mom, Julia and dad to meet too.

Yet, he hasn't made one comment about inviting Teddy.

I'm so sad.

He sighs loudly, getting up.


I glare.

"Fine. I'll walk."
I say, turning on my heels.

He stops me before I can exit.

"Stop acting like a child, Brook. He's coming over here. I called him earlier."
He says, shaking my shoulders.

"Really? When?"

He rolls his eyes again, walking back to the couch.

"At 5 something."

I frown, folding my arms.

"Oh, so you guys talked earlier and you didn't tell me?"
I accuse, growing irritated.

He picks up the newspaper again.

"Chill out. We just talked about guy stuff. You know."


Guy stuff.😒

I love the fact that him and Teddy's been spending more time together, but a little part of me isn't as happy.

I miss having Teddy all to myself.

I huff, making my way to my room.


I close my door behind me, diving under my cover.

A nap doesn't seem to bad right now.

It's better than depressing over Teddy, I guess.😖




I bite my lip, knocking on the door gently.

"Go the fuck away, asshole!"

I roll my eyes with a sigh.

Brook and her dirty little mouth.

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