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"I'll be right back."

I smile as Teddy walks towards the bathroom.

I wait till the door closes to fly back onto his bed.

It's so soft.
And it smells just like him.

I close my eyes, burying my face in his pillow.

I think about what just happened.

I just seen a glimpse of his pain.

I just saw my Teddy cry.

I sigh, closing my eyes as I breathe in his amazing scent.

I don't even move when I hear the door open and close.

"Brook, what are you doing?"

I open my eyes slowly upon hearing the amusement in his voice.

"This bed is so comfortable."
I respond, absentmindedly running my hands up and down the silk sheets.

He just stares.

I stare back.

I'm used to his weirdness now.

I think he has staring problem.

"You are so unbelievable."
He says, shaking his head and walking forward.

I blush when he gets in beside me.

I've never been in a bed with a guy that isn't related to me.

Especially not with such a handsome guy.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I ask, looking away.

"You're blushing."

I blush harder.

"No I'm not."
I lie, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Come on, tell me."
He coax, moving closer.

I shake my head shyly, biting my tongue.

He frowns, staring at me.

"Okay. I respect that."
He says after a moment, smiling playfully.

I sigh discreetly.

"Teddy, can you read to me?"
I ask suddenly.

He raises an eyebrow.
I can tell I've caught him off guard.

"For real? You want me to read to you?"
He asks quietly.

I nod.

"Okay. What?"

I say lazily, rolling on my back.


I watch as he gets up slowly and walks over to his bookcase.

"You know, I've never let anyone in here before."
He informs me after a few seconds.

I stare up at the ceiling, clutching his pillow to my chest.

"Well. I'm honoured to be the first."
I respond softly, closing my eyes again.

He doesn't say anything for 5 whole minutes.

I count in my head.

"Brooklyn. Why are you so perfect?"

I open my eyes slowly, hearing the softness of his voice.


I'm far from perfect.

I actually have to laugh out loud at that one.

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