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Nothing to worry about, my ass.

This dude looks scary as shit.😨

I turn off the car, clearly aware of the angry looking dude standing on the porch with Gabby.

Gabby squeals, running up to hug me when we get out.

I roll my eyes, patting her back.

This girl is always so happy to see me.

Just like Rex.

"Oh, a doggy!"
She says, looking over my shoulder.

She pretty much runs over me when she sees Rex in the car.

Brook giggles quietly beside me, smirking as the dude walks up.

"Brook, you asshole."
He growls tiredly, wrapping his arms around her.

I bite my lip and nervously tug at my collar.


"You crybaby. I was fine, I was with my friend."
She grumbles, pulling away.

He glares at me.

I grimace inwardly.

Not a good first impression.

"Stop it."
Brook nudges him, smiling apologetically at me.

"If you scare him away, I'll call Mom. She'll fly over here just to whoop your ass."
Brook threatens as her brother motions for me to follow him.

I give Brook my saddest look as I pass her.


I'm about to get my ass beat by Godzilla.😨

"So. Teddy, huh?"
He asks, leading me into what seems to be the living room.

I clear my throat quietly, looking around.

Nice place.

"Actually, it's Jordan. It's nice to meet you."
I say, sticking out my hand.

He just stares at it for a second.

My hand starts to waver.

Suddenly he grins.

"Wow, Gabby was right. You seem pretty cool."
He says, shaking my hand reluctantly.

He glances at me out of the corner of his eye afterwards.

"I guess so, anyway."
He adds gruffly.

I blink.

What the hell just happened?

One second he was all scary and mean-looking and then the next he was all friendly.

I frown after a moment.

"Why wouldn't I be?"
I ask timidly, causing him to smile bigger.

"Well, letting just say that it took me more than 2 minutes to like Jacob. I'm Dante."
He introduces, his eyes lighting up.

I tilt my head as he let's go.

He doesn't look anything like Brook.

And now that I think about it, neither does Gabby.

"So, what are your intentions with my lil sis?"
He asks, snapping me out of my daze.

I blush slightly, not knowing the answer.

I have no idea.

That sounds stupid, even in my head.

I want her to be my friend.

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