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"How about this. We be completely honestly with each other from now on. Oh, and we always say what's on our minds around each other."

"Right, babe."
I mutter absentmindedly.

"Stop playing with my hair and listen. Teddy!"
She complains, wiggling in my arms.

"I can't help but always be blown away by your beauty, Brook. Don't get mad."
I scold softly.

"Im not mad."
She scoffs.

I laugh, tapping her thigh lightly.

"No, Im for real. You can stare at me. Im awesome."
She flips her hair playfully.

I agree.

She giggles.

"You are talking about yourself."
She says shyly.

I raise my eyebrow.


"You really think that, B?"
I ask, a smirk forming on my face.

She stares at me for a long time.

"I don't know. Something about you is different. Not your appearance, though. It has something to do with the big thing in there."
She says thoughtfully, tapping the side of my head.

"My brain?"
I question.

"Yes. You're more mature. Wiser. I can't help but feel like a child around you now, did you know that? Your eyes and your....even your smile is more serious."

I furrow my eyebrows, letting her words sink in.

"I honestly don't know wether to be happy about that or not."
I find myself telling her.

She crawls out of my lap and sits in front of me.

I frown uncomfortably as she tilts her head, analyzing me.

"Can I take a picture of you?"
She asks suddenly.

It catches me off guard.

Her specialty.

"Uh. What?"

"You barely even move, you're like a statue. This view is perfect. Your hair is blowing in the wind and your eyes are shining. You're so handsome, Teddy."
She whispers that last sentence, gently touching my cheek.

Her words warm my heart.

"I love it when you tell
me that."
I rasp, happily closing my eyes as she strokes my cheek.

"Its the truth."

"I'll take a picture if you take one with me afterwards. I want to remember this moment forever. Just like the pictures from the plane all those years ago."

Her eyes light up at the mention of those.

"Okay! I love taking pictures with you."
She says.

I grin at her, staring right into her eyes even when she takes out her little camera and snaps a picture.

Did I say one picture?

I meant a lot.

A lot.

She makes me feel like a model.

"Tilt your head to the felt a little."

"Okay, now to the right."

"Try to look serious."

"Okay, now sexy. Hold up, Teddy! Thats way too sexy!"

I laugh a lot.

We both do.

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