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I don't know why, but seeing my angel all cuddled up with Jacob made something in my head snap.

My eye twitched.

Jealousy ran through my body like blood.

I had just bit my lip and turned, walking away.

If I'd have known that she wanted to cuddle with someone then I wouldn't have went and played 2K with Dad.

He beat my ass, by the way.😑

Even at the dinner table, I didn't say anything. Barely touched my food.

"Jordan honey, are you okay?"
Mom had asked.

I lied.
"Yes, I'm fine."

After dinner, Brook went straight into Gabby's room.

Girls are so weird.

They're probably in there doing each other's nails or something.

I wouldn't know.

So I'm just sitting here staring at the wall, trying to get my thoughts together.

I need to do something.

The pill's made my life easier for the past 2 days, but it also made me more immune to my feelings, if you will.

Is it just me, or has my heart been beating extra fast every time Brook is around?

That's not all either, I've woken up from a wet dream twice in the past night.

My dick just loves to get excited, I guess.

For her.

I've gotten so jealous of everything.

This is getting out of hand, her dad gave her a kiss goodnight yesterday and I almost blew up.

This can't keep happening.

I run my hand through my hair conflictedly.

What the hell am I going to do?

By the time she walks in, I have my answer.

It's about time she sees the real me.





I just stand there, rocking on my heels.

This is the point where he usually gives me one of his shirts.

He just stands there staring at the wall like a possessed child​.

I bite my lip, getting a little freaked out.

What the hell is wrong with him?


He turns around so slowly, with that same look he had in his eyes this morning.

He greets quietly, blinking as if for the first time in a few minutes.

Worry gnaws at my heart.

"Are you okay?"
I ask hesitantly, a little confused.

What is with him?

Is it the pills?

He stares for a second, shaking his head after a moment.

"Yes. No. Just come here. Please."

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