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"That was so sweet of him, look at the size of it."

I ignore Gabby and Lizzy and stand up with a sigh.

What the hell does Jordan think he's doing?

I stare at the huge bear, trying to hold back a smile.

I've always wanted a huge teddy bear, I think it's very romantic.

I used to, anyway.

Around the bear's neck is a big red bow and stapled to the bow is a note.

I reach for it, mentally preparing myself for what it says.

Dear Brooklyn,

I won't give up on what we had. No matter how far you push me away, I'll always come running back to you. I miss you so much, more than you could ever know. I don't care if I have to show up at your house every day just to get a chance to sit down and have a conversation with you, I will do it. If you ever want to talk to me for any reason, here's my number 817-563-7990. Call me sometime. Please.

your Teddy

I close my eyes, my cheeks feeling like they are on fire.

Gabby and Liz giggle behind me.

I turn.

"Brooklyn, let that boy rest. What he's doing for you is so romantic, I wish Jay would do something like that for me."
Gabby says, inspecting the bear.

It's almost taller than the chair.

I stay silent, adding the note to my pile of writings that I've gotten from Jordan.

It is pretty romantic, I suppose.

I sink back onto my bed, our previous talk about our favorite movies disappearing from my mind.

"It's harder than it seems. He broke my heart."
I say quietly.

They wouldn't understand anyway.

I was on the verge of cutting my own wrists. And I would have if Danny hadn't seen the warning signs and got me into therapy.

I still feel ridiculous about it, it's very upsetting.

Lizzy sits down beside me, grabbing my hand slowly.

"We understand that but it's clear that it wasn't something he could have controlled. At least you can see that he's trying. How many men do you know who would do this for someone?"
She says softly, gesturing towards the bear.

I blink.

"Just think about it. Would he really buy you a $80 bear if he didn't care about you?"
Gabby asks.

I frown.

Wait a minute, those things are 80 bucks!?

She points.

"Your man is so in love that he forgot the pricetag."
She says, holding it up.

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