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"Yes, I already paid the land fee, sir."
I say, spreading the peanut butter across my bread slowly.

"No, I don't want to pay for any extra stuff, I just want to make sure that the house is still 100% under my name and paid for."
I say, rolling my eyes as my lawyer drones on and on.

"Well, have to remainder of the money sent to the tax collector then, I know I owe him some."

I grin like a little kid, admiring my amazing work.

A perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

For some people, it's the little things that make them happy.

For me, it's a sandwich.

"Alright, bye-bye. Have a good day Mr. Stevens."
I finally say, more than happy to hang up.

Whew, adulting is hard.

With the bills and the rent and the gas. And the crippling depression.

I whistle for Rex and she comes prancing in from the doggie door that I had installed a few days ago.

I smile, crouching down to refill her water and food bowl.

My closet is empty.

It was the first thing I checked when I got here.


Brook must have the ring, that puts my mind at ease.
Now I can stop worrying about that, I suppose.

I have my doubts.

What if they don't even live here anymore?

Or, what if they don't want to see me?

Stuff like that keeps me up at night, tossing and turning in my lonely bed.

I sit down on the couch, getting comfortable with my sandwich.

I turn on the TV.

I guess I could get used to this.

Deep in my mind, I already know that it will bother me.



"Are you serious!?"

I lean back on the couch, watching Gabby watch World Of Dance.

It's entertaining, really.

She is very easily impressed.

I tug down my night shirt, watching as Eli toddles over with his Transformer toy.


I love this kid.

He's always so happy to see me.

He gets comfortable in my lap, his hands getting tangled in my hair immediately.

He loves playing with it and I don't usually mind it when he does. Up until he starts to pull and yank on it.

"Baby, you look like you're having so much fun."
Jacob laughs, wrapping his arms around Gabby.

I just roll my eyes, rubbing my nefew's back.

That always helps him fall asleep.

"Hey, fam! We're home."
Danny greets, pulling a tired looking Liz after him.

"You guys have been out for like 4 hours. Did you have fun?"
I ask with a smile.

Dante grins sheepishly.

"You already know we did. Right, baby?"
He asks Liz.

"Hell yeah."

We all roll our eyes at her.

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