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"Once again I'm going to taste Miss Freya's bad cooking." He declared, putting emphasis on the word bad.

"Wow okay, says the one that always finishes and gulps everything I serve on the plate." I rolled my eyes then we both laughed, quite loud.

I'm really grateful for him honestly, I think my high school experience wouldn't be the same if I didn't meet Ezra.

Okay, so it all started when they moved into the same neighborhood as us. I think 5 or 6 years ago, I forgot the exact date. They invited my family over for dinner one time, my mom and his mom became fast friends after bumping into each other that morning when they're both going for a jog. I'm the only daughter, and Ezra is the only son.

Our parents used to really ship us together and all but we both know to ourselves that it's not going to that extent. Ezra is basically my long lost twin brother and we just connect in a lot of aspects.

We went to the same high school together and stayed friends even Ezra got into varsities, hence, making him famous to the ladies because let's admit, he has the looks, plus the good heart. He's always been the heartthrob back in high school and I'm there like the ugly BFF, namsayin?

Some girls really grew to dislike me and some even hate me because they thought I'm flirting with Ezzy, they would really question sometimes why we're friends and all because we live in different worlds, Ezra lived the famous life, and I lived the lowkey life.

I never got insecure about our differences, what matters is our long and strong friendship, and Ezra and I never judged each other for our life choices. We just support each other on what we want to do.

"I just realized we already got everything," I commented after reading the list one more time and glancing back at the cart.

"Yeah, I think we did a pretty great job." Ezra chuckled. "This was fun."

"It sure is." I agreed as we walked to the counter to finally pay for our shit and go home.

"It's really weird that you're still wearing your uniform and you went straight to the grocery," I laughed. "oh, why are you here anyway?"

"I was actually going to buy some materials I need for a project but I guess that could wait,  I got lazy on starting it." He shrugged.

"It's the procrastination for me." I rolled my eyes. "You better do it ASAP mister, you're a scholar, don't stray away from your goals," I said dramatically on the stray part which threw Ezra and me into fits of laughter.

"I mean it's due at the end of the month, I still have a lot of time to do it." He said, still laughing at my statement.

"Go flirt elsewhere," a girl behind us on the line said and Ezra and I glanced in her direction, giving her a stare. "Fucking annoying couples." She muttered under her breath and Ezra and I looked at each other, holding our laughter.

We decided to stay silent the whole time but still shocked at the girl's words. It took us forever for all of the items to be finished packing and all, we discreetly got out of the grocery store.

"We aren't even doing anything, why do people always say that?" Ezra said the moment we stepped out of the store then now we let out the laugh we've been holding in the whole time.

"Typical judgmental people I guess," I shrugged. "Help me put the groceries in the car."

"Wow, you have a car now?"

"No bitch, it's Jane's." I laughed, walking to the red car and opening the back for us to put the groceries in.

"It's weird that the Miller's trusted you so easily," Ezra commented. "I mean, I know you can be trusted but imagine if they picked someone else, like do people really trust that fast?"

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