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I totally forgot about Ezra's house birthday party. It was supposed to be last week but Ezra moved it to this week, he's been helping me out at the dorm, coming over every other day to check up on me, which I think is really not necessary but he insists on doing so anyway.

I feel bad because I'm two hours away from him but he insists on going to talk with me personally about what I feel and stuff.

Really grateful to have a best friend like him, I would gladly do the same thing with him if he were the one in my situation right now.

But anyways,

I'm not ready to see him again.

I know he will be there since him and Ezra are still friends. And basically family.

"Are you ready?" Ezra knocked on my bathroom door. He's been here since lunch, and the party starts at 6 pm, if we we're to go now we will arrive an hour or maybe on the exact time.

"Yeah just a second," I responded.

I applied mascara and took a deep breath as I look at myself. I'm clearly not doing better but at least I managed to look good.

I have to, at least for tonight, for Ezra.

I need to pull my shit together and not make this day bad for him.

"Alright, let's go." I managed to smile and Ezra just returned the gesture but concern is clear in his expression too. "Don't worry about me, I got this."

"You can come to me at the party if things don't go well." He reminded me as I grabbed my little handbag and rummaged for my keys.

"I have Lili and Belle, I'll be fine." I reassured him. "Aries is going too, right? You should enjoy your party with her."

"I'm so excited for you to meet her." Ezra said happily, I locked the door behind me and followed him to his car.

"I'm so sorry you had to take care of me for the past week, but trust me, Ezzy, I can handle myself." I told him when we got in the car, he just scoffed as he started the car engine. "You don't have to go here, the drive is kind of long too." I added.

"You like putting up a facade that you're strong, and you are strong, but it's okay to let yourself fall and feel too, you know?" He told me. I felt tears build up my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. "You got me, Freya, we're best friends, right?"

"Thank you, Ezra. I know that and I love you for it." I sighed. "But please, you really don't have to, I think I already cried everything I have left to you for the past week." I dry laughed.

"Alright, fine, I won't go anymore, maybe on the weekends I will though, cause I'll miss you." He laughed. "Sucks that my best friend lives far from me now."

"You should tell your parents to get a dorm near here too," I laughed. "Try living alone, it's fun to be honest."


The drive went by so quickly, it's only 5:20. Bitch drove so fast and there weren't any traffic too so I guess we arrived early.

When we got infront of their house, loud music were heard in the backyard, I forgot they had a swimming pool. I guess he will be holding the party there.

"How many people did you invite again? The place looks packed." I commented when we got out of the car.

"Just a few." He replied, walking towards the front porch. "My parents won't be home tonight so the house is open to everyone."

sanctuary // george joji millerWhere stories live. Discover now