forty one

320 16 1

from chapter 27
george's point of view

"What the fuck?" I said to myself after seeing that I've bled, again. I looked at the mirror and wiped the built up moist to see myself clearer.

What's happening to me?

This has been a frequent scenario for me the past two weeks, I'm getting nosebleeds out of nowhere. Sometimes my gums bleed too as I brush my teeth after smoking.

I told myself that I'll get myself checked if it continues happening. So I guess that perfect time would be today. I already got an excuse ready incase, which is going to the studio.

I've been sweating a lot too, I mean I do sweat of course, I'm like any other human being, but this is just.. not normal. Who the fuck sweats so much right after a shower? It's not even hot. It's been pretty cloudy lately. It's literally cold. So what the fuck is going on?

After getting out of the shower, I pulled out a white tank top and some jeans to be comfortable when I go out. Since for some fucking reason, I feel really hot despite this chilly weather. Do I have a fever or something?

This will be my first time to go to the hospital alone after a long time, I still remember the way through, I'll just ask around for help and directions when I actually get there.

Actually, to be sure I'll check on the maps later.

Before I go out of my room, I checked myself on the mirror. I furrowed my eyebrows upon noticing random bruises on my arms and shoulders.

"Where did these came from?" I whispered to myself, touching the bruised parts of my arms.

God, this will be a concern for Freya, and I don't want her to worry about me. Fuck it then, I'll wear a puffer jacket.

I never told her, but that doubt of me being a burden to her never left my mind. Everyday I try and learn to be more independent because I want to be my best version for her, I want her to not think about how fragile I am and to think that I'm the one that needs to be taken care of.

I want to be the one who takes care of her now.

I went out of my room with a smile and approached her in the kitchen, she's still cooking our breakfast.

"Good morning," I greeted cheerfully, she glanced my way and flashed a smile, even her eyes is twinkling with it.

I'll never get tired of the view.

"Hi, I'll just finish this last piece," she told me while flipping the pancake on the pan.

I walked towards her and gave her a back hug, just burying my face unto her neck, she smells like lavender in the morning. It's so comforting.

Her existence as a whole is consoling to me.

"Stop, I still haven't showered yet." She said shyly, tilting her head. "And it tickles."

"Tickle attack!" I said out loud and went into her neck again, receiving a loud unfiltered laugh from her and almost flipping the whole pan from being startled.

"Stop!" She laughed. "I almost dropped the pan, George." She scolded, crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry, Frey," I cooed, pouting at her.

"Because you're cute, you're forgiven." She chuckled, "Now you sit down and wait, this will be done in a bit."

I just followed and sat on my usual seat. I watched her as she cooked, my shirt looks so good on her. I found myself staring then she glanced at me and gave me a look, I shook my head and just looked down in embarrassment from getting caught.

sanctuary // george joji millerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz