forty five

216 7 0

It's been a few months, and he's been taking treatments ever since that day that we talked and reconciled. I'm genuinely happy for him that he's seeking help.

I don't know how the whole process works, how treatments helps someone recover. I'm no nursing student, but what's important is, he is trying, and he is getting the assistance that he needs.

That includes me, I want to be there for him. For this whole process, I have big faith in him, he will make it.

He's strong enough, I trust him.

"Where are you going?" Ezra asked me when he drove by my house and saw me packing some clothes.

"I'm staying at the hospital." I told him, not even glancing at him because I'm way too focused on making my clothes fit in this one suitcase.

"Right." He mumbled. "How's George?"

"He's trying." I replied, "He's going to make it." I added, finally looking at my best friend.

Ezra has this look on his face that I simply cannot comprehend.

"You want to say something?"

"Not to be like a party popper or anything," he started. "but I think we should all be mentally prepared.."

"Ezra." I said sternly. "He's going to make it."

"Freya." He returned back the same tone I gave him. "I hate sugarcoating things to you, you just know how transparent I am."

"Don't you have any faith in him?" I argued, tears building up in my eyes. "He is trying his very best."

Ezra was about to say something but he just let out an exasperated sigh. "We're taking you to the hospital if you want,"

"Who's with you?"


I just nodded in response and zipped up my suitcase, I was about to carry it but Ezra offered a hand.

He probably feels guilty for what he said so I let him do the work, that would help him feel better, knowing him.

I went out of the house and waved when I saw Frank sitting in the backseat with his phone. He automatically noticed me and removed one earphone and waved his hand, mirroring my gestures.

"Hello! Long time no see.." I said to him, trailing off realizing that I unintentionally dropped out because of what happened and I haven't been in school for like 2 months now.

I've just been so involved with George's situation that I forgot everything else.

I have no regrets though, I'll do anything for George and I know this is the time that he really needs me.

Everything else could wait.

I sat next to the driver's seat but I shifted my body to face him at the back to talk to him.

"I know, how are you?" He said, concern showing in his tone. "How is George?"

"I'm fine," I replied, shrugging. "George is getting better."

"Can I go and visit him? Would that piss him off?" He asked, I was waiting for him to drop a joke but he looked drop dead serious that I'm the one who bursts in laughter.

"You know what, I'll introduce you to my man." I said, still chuckling. "I'm pretty sure he doesn't see you as a threat now."

"Not gonna lie even you did gave me the permission to visit I'm quite nervous." He replied, shaking his head. "I'm just scared what if he's mad at me.."

"Calm your ass down," I laughed. "This is not a threat, I promise." I sang.

"Nope." He sang along, "I promise."

"This is not a threat, I promise," we sang together. "It's a warning baby, I just want you to know-"

"Alright, let's pull up his songs as we drive on the way there." Ezra butted in the conversation as he entered the car.



i'm so sorry for not updating so long... i have like a seasonal writing phase and it's lowkey coming back rn and it's my day off so i'll just write, not sure how many chapters i'll put out today but i'll make sure it's going to be 2!!

if you're still here, thank you so much, i'm just mostly updated in tiktok @ftcjoji and ig same username 🧍🏼‍♀️

sanctuary // george joji millerWhere stories live. Discover now