forty four

416 18 3

george's point of view

I opened my eyes as I woke up from what seemed like a long dream. It's nothing new, I always dream about it but it was much more precise and detailed this time. It hurts like a motherfucker still.

White lights illuminated my view, I squinted my eyes as it adjusted to the brightness.

Am I at the hospital?

Last thing I remember was I saw her on the sea of people on the concert, I tried to approached her then suddenly everything went black.

I tilted my head to look to my left and immediately recognized the familiar figure sleeping soundly beside my bed.

It was her.


I didn't utter a word and just watched as she slightly snore in her sleep, she must be in a deep slumber. I noticed that both of her hands are holding mine, wrapped around it and keeping it warm.

I don't know what to do when she wakes up, what do I tell her? Does she know about the situation already?

What happened while I was out?

I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared far ahead, looking at the bags on the other chairs, who else was here?

Freya moved in her sleep that surprised me and I slightly jolted in my position which caught her attention and senses, fully waking her up. She looked up with her sleepy eyes. I just looked at her, I don't know how to interact with her at this point.

This is the first time I got to see her again after months.

It feels so unreal.

"George, how are you feeling?" She spoke up, looking at me with concern. "Do you need anything? Water?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I answered with a reassuring tone. "How long was I asleep?"

"6 hours?" She replied, not sure about her calculations then checked her phone. "Yeah, 6 hours. It's almost 2 am now."

"Oh...Aren't you busy? You can go home-"

"I'll stay." She cut me off. "I'll stay this time."

"Freya... You really don't have to-"

"I'll stay." She said sternly. "I'm never leaving you this time. Especially after getting informed about everything that's happening with you."


So they already know, huh?

"George, please agree on taking therapy. It will help save you."

"Seriously, Freya, what's the point though?" I sighed, closing my eyes as I rant. "I already accepted my fate."

I felt her hand graze up on the top of my palm, then completely holding my hand and turning it over, intertwining hers with mine.

"I'm grateful when I wake up each day, knowing that I'm given another day to be alive, and I will continue to be thankful, and when there's a time that I won't wake up anymore, then I guess that's it, you know what I mean?" I rambled, opening my eyes on the last sentence and gazing up at her.

sanctuary // george joji millerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin