thirty four

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"No way, you already know Frank?" Ezra scoffed. "He's a pretty laid out dude," he said as he took a bite on his burger.

"He was in a hurry this morning, holding some papers." I told him.

"Ah, probably some shit our friend Max told him to photocopy, I don't even know what those are." Ezra commented. "Most of the nearby shops and shit are still closed, maybe the xerox place is not yet open too." He said, mostly mumbled to himself.

Today was so fast, literally. Some professors just introduced themselves, some not even introduced themselves and just told us to enjoy the day since it's the first day of classes.

I still don't know anyone from my class but I don't mind at all, I like being alone anyways. They're so quick on making their own groups, kinda feels like high school, just less...childish, you know what I mean?

"How'd you know Frank by the way?"

"He approached me that night on your party, after I saw.. You know.."

"Oh.." He trailed off. "I saw Aries at class today, we're chill,"


"She actually admitted something to me." He said, inclining his back on his seat. "She actually had a crush on George for a long time now, well, ever since his Soundcloud days."


"Do you want to know more? I mean, I can stop talking about it if you're not comfortable-"

"It's totally fine, go on." I urged him, sipping on my drink.

"Yeah, she was intoxicated but she knew what she was doing that night, and she felt really bad about it afterwards." He started to tell the story, "Since I'm over her, I wasn't bothered one bit, I just feel.. used, I guess."

"I'm so sorry." I sighed. "But it's really good to know that you're okay now."

"Well, are you?"

"I am." I lied, smiling at him as I reply.

"She's actually respectful of George, she calls him "Mr. Miller."" He said, quoting using his fingers. "Really cute, actually."

I laughed at the nickname, really cute indeed. What if I call him Mr. Miller next time I see him? That would be hilarious.

"She felt really bad when George said your name instead of hers when she kissed him."


"She told me that yeah, George acknowledged her, agreed to become friends and all, but when he got drunk, he mostly talked about you..." 

"I..I don't know what to say." I said, almost mumbled.

"She felt bad from the start but when he said your name she knew she had to stop doing whatever she's doing." Ezra continued.

I was just speechless as I let him speak.

What are you up to, George?

This just adds up to the endless train of thoughts and questions.

"Anyways, enough of that," he said, adjusting his posture and sipped on his drink. "How's your first day?"

"It was fine, the profs are nice, my classmates are not far."

"Damn..." He laughed. "Don't worry 'bout them, I'm pretty sure they'll be different, I mean, we're not even in high school anymore."

"Yup," I replied, popping the p.

We just scrolled on our phones after that conversation, and it was okay, I prefer random silence anyways, and it's never awkward with Ezra too, he just knows this is how I am too.

sanctuary // george joji millerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora