thirty three

319 15 5

let's pretend that Joji only released one music video in the story as of now, shits are fast paced in this mf story, i might end this at chap 45-50 so anyways


Months passed by in countable blinks, the days were all the same and I didn't even noticed that today is my first day in uni. I'm thankful because I'll have something to get my mind off of things.

Before I officially start my first day at uni and leave the house, I checked my phone for any notifications or texts from friends. I had myself ready like an hour ago, I just don't have the will to actually leave the house this early.


After school let's hang out!!! What time does your last class end??


4, I believe. And sure, that would be cool, where are we going?


Anywhere really, I don't want to go home early, I'm sure classes won't be as long since it's just introductions and orientations

I didn't replied to his text after that, I'll just see him later. I wonder how he's holding up after that whole ass fiasco.

From what I heard, Aries was drunk that time and George himself too, I just heard a week after the incident. She was even referring to George as "Mr. Miller". Aries properly apologized to Ezra but after that they didn't talked anymore, Ezra was just done with her and I honestly can't blame him for that. Ezra was so hurt by it and even avoided talking to George for a week. 

From his story, George insisted to meet up personally so they could talk about it and he explained how heavily intoxicated he was that time and that he wasn't himself. He also forwarded an apology to Ezra to me. I just never responded. I ran away, and I told myself I'll leave everything there on that night.

I'm just moving on in my own pace, healing on my own. As I should.


After that I checked Twitter, usual fangirling tweets about faves by Lili and Belle popped up in my feed, along with other mutuals in Twitter. Nata retweeted a tweet by Joji.

JOJI @sushitrash:


NECTAR, new album out September 25. 

 Stream here:


Gimme Love? Why does it sounds familiar...

After releasing Slow Dancing In The Dark music video the next week after Ezra's party, Joji blew up. He was recognized for his range in music and artistry, for the music video masterpiece that he released. 

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