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3 days after that encounter, I've been hearing a lot of instrumental coming from Joj's room.

I just casually sit in the living room listening to the instrumentals, or sometimes when I'm lucky, Joj singing live.

I could live like this, it's really nice to be around him.

I put my book down and decided to peek on social media for a while. I wonder how're my Facebook friends and Twitter mutuals.

Facebook is usual, people are flexing what they've achieved, or most of the time just about how they look. I understand that some people look for validation online and honestly I cannot blame them for that.

I met people that seek a lot of validation from the internet because they've always been invalidated in their whole life.

Some seek validation to make themselves believe they're worthy of something, some do it for attention, some do it because they pull self-esteem from other people's words.

That's the reality behind good posts on social media. Everyone has their own story, and most of them would just rather stay silent about it.

Some put up a mask to make people believe, or even to make themselves believe, that they are living their life to the fullest.

Twitter is a platform for those who are much more open-minded, and for people that love to express their thoughts or wants to be heard.

Sometimes people tweet the most random shit here, I, personally, just tweet song links from Spotify, and I have a lot of mutuals who do the same. That's how I manage to find new artists to listen to as well.

Basically, it's like music sharing app for me.

I'm just scrolling through my feed when a mutual's tweet caught my attention.


Chloe Burbank? Is that the artist's name? Sounds cool though.

I checked out the link to see that there are full ass ep and 2 whole albums, not including some other tracks

I scrolled to the very bottom and listened to the first song.

Searching for a reason why
Searching where the leaves don't grow, grow, grow

This song gives me nostalgic feels because of the beat and the soft piano playing in the background.

Wait, why is a dude singing? I thought it would be a girl, cause... you know... Chloe...

And as far as we go
And as far as we go
And how little we know
And how little we know

His voice is so soothing...

Searching for the weekend love
Searching where the leaves don't fall
When the land is widow (Oh)
Fall to the ground

His voice sounds a lot like...

Speak to me
Speak to me
Speak to me
Speak to me

Is this...

Speak to me
So bright
Speak to me
So bright

I stood up from my seat and knocked on George's door.

I need to confirm.

Is this him?

He opened the door and automatically looked at my phone as he heard the song playing, he then looked back at me and inclined on the door frame.

"What's up, Frey?"

"Is this you?" I asked, full of curiosity and slight excitement in my voice.

He smiled at me. "Congrats,"

I raised my eyebrows at him, "What?"

"You found me."


short buy hey im posting til chap 18 so belle can fall asleep lmfao

sanctuary // george joji millerWhere stories live. Discover now