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"What a long day," I told Joj when we both sat in front of the television, after finished cleaning in the kitchen and everything else after the small birthday celebration of mine.

It was a whole day celebration.

Ezra came in the morning so we ate strawberry cakes way too early, we watched several movies on Netflix while having chit chats and movie analyzations in between.

At lunchtime, we had strawberry cake again, very unhealthy but I guess it's okay to eat sweets the whole day every once in a while.

After lunch, George played some of his songs live in the living room and it was the cutest thing ever. He asked me and Ezra what are our favorite from all of the songs he released so far.

I certainly have a lot of favorites but I went with Wanted U and Come Thru while Ezra said Slow Dancing In The Dark and Demons. He played those songs for us and it's probably my favorite part of the day.

In the afternoon we continued watching a few more movies and Ezra decided to go home at 6 PM, I was really thankful that he made time for me even he's so busy with school and soccer.

George helped me clean up in the kitchen and living room when Ezra went home.

"Did you enjoy it?" He asked, inclining his back on the couch. I nodded my head.

"It was enjoyable, and I'm happy I get to spend this day with the both of you." I smiled at him.

"So, how long have you known each other?" Joj blurted out of the blue while we're both just sitting in front of the TV, breaking the almost 10 minutes silence.

I closed my book and turned to him. "Since we're like, kids. Our parents became best friends, so did we." I chuckled at the thought.

Damn, it's been so long.

"Oh." He simply replied and turned back to the TV. I looked at the time and it's only 10 PM.

That question was so random.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked him, pulling my legs up and hugged it, hugging myself.

"I don't know really." He sighed. "Tell me more about Ezra."

"Why though?" I asked him, looking at him, he still has his eyes glued to the TV.

"I don't know, just curious."

"About your sexuality?"

"No, god," He laughed. "Just how he is as a person, he seems like a really great guy."

"I thought all this time you hate him." I almost mumbled, looking away.

"No I don't, when did I say that?"

"You never did, I just assumed."

"Why would I hate him?"

"I just assumed, like, remember that time you said that you're uncomfy when he's around?"

"Oh." He said in realization. "Oh, no, god."

"I'm just really uncomfy with people that aren't close to me." He explained. "I was never mad at him, I actually think he's a really cool guy."

"I was surprised back then that you already thought we're close." I blushed at the memory.

"Yeah, you're really important to me," George said without ease, his words automatically made my cheeks flush so I looked away from him.

There was a few moments of silence after that, I still can't look at him. So I pretended to watch whatever is on the TV.

"You guys ever dated?" George continued his interrogation and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Psh, no. He's like family to me." I scoffed. "What's with the questions?" I laughed.

"Just pure curiosity, that's all." He said before looking away at the TV again.

He scooted closer to me and put his head to my shoulder. I suddenly became stiff and stayed still, making sure he's comfortable.

I feel like it's hard to breathe whenever he does this, in a good way though. If that makes sense. He ignites something in me that I cannot understand.

"I don't want a friend, I want my life in two," he started to sing in a low voice, but since he's near, it still sounded really clear to me. "Waiting to get there, waiting for you."

The way your stomach churns whenever they do something, even just the smallest of things. The way your heart beats faster than its normal pace, like you're in a race.

"You done made up your mind, you done made up your mind." We sang together.

What do you call this feeling?

"When I'm around slow dancing in the dark, don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms," he continued to sing, I sang along with him. He smiled as he heard me sing along to his song.

The electricity that passes through you when your hands accidentally brush each other, the butterflies when you catch him looking at you.

What is this feeling?

"Give me reasons we should be complete, you should be with him, I can't compete," We continued in harmony. "You looked at me like I was someone else."

The feeling like there's something missing when you're not with him, and the way you feel complete whenever you're around him.

"Can't you see? I don't wanna slow dance," I let him sing along that part of the song, he then looks at me as he sang, "In the dark."

"In the dark," I sang the next line.

"Dark," he continued.

"Dark." I finished.

We laughed afterward.

Is this how love supposed to feel?

Is this the feeling of being in love?



sanctuary // george joji millerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora