Chapter 10

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The day of Ritdha High School's awaited play finally came. Every student who wanted to watch was making their way inside the school theatre.

Aria was also on her way. Her three friends were already inside, but she went to Mr Pom first to report her improvement... which wasn't a lot. But she did manage to locate someone inside a crowded room, so that was a first.

But as she strolled towards the theatre, she saw a familiar face, sitting in the canteen, busy with his iPad, and alone as always.

The show wouldn't start very soon, that was why she made her way toward the person she saw.

"Aren't you going to watch the play?" she asked.

"No," Wave sternly replied without looking up.

"Why not? It's our school's play, I think we should support it."

"No, thank you."

"This guy." Aria shook her head.

Claire then suddenly appeared beside her. She was taken aback by her sudden appearance. But what got her attention was the girl's bare face and her glasses. She didn't even seem to mind her presence.

The two, Claire and Wave, locked in a staring contest.

A hand snatched the girl away from the scene. And when she looked at the owner of the hand, she saw that it was Ohm.

"What took you so long? Mr Pom's already in the theatre but not you. Pang and Namtarn are waiting."


Ohm looked back at Wave and Claire, wondering what she had done there. Then he asked her, "Since when did you get close to Wave?"

"Since my fainting incident."

"If I were you, I would go as far away from him as possible," Ohm said in a tone, as if giving his friend a deadly warning.

"Why? You're making it sound like he's a very terrible person."

"Oh, he is! Wave is a total jerk."

"That's harsh."

"I'm only speaking the truth. So take my advice and go away from him right now before he decides to be a jerk to you, got it?" Ohm even gave her a thumbs up, expecting Aria to give her the same.

"I don't think he's that bad though. I mean, I've been talking with him from time to time and he hasn't been a jerk to me as what you said."

"That's because he hasn't shown you what some of us had been through because of him!"

"Or maybe, it's just because you think of him as a jerk that's why he acts like one," Aria countered.

Baffled, Ohm asked, "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You see, Ohm, people act the way we treat them. And we treat them the way we think of them."

"How come?"

"Take this as an example: a teacher has two students, A and B, in the teacher's eyes A looks smart and attentive but B looks otherwise. So, the teacher starts giving A better treatment because the teacher thought that the hard work they put on A will bear sweet fruit. But on B, the teacher's eyes is be tainted and will think that they shouldn't waste time on them. Because it is already planted in their mind that the fruit that will be harvested on B will be bitter and rotten."

Ohm thought for a while. "That sounds unfair. Can't the teacher give B a chance to prove themselves?"

"See? That's what I'm talking about! Think of B as Wave, don't he deserve a chance too?"

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