Chapter 59

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It had been a long day even if half of it hadn't even passed by. The next day, after Aria found out that Time was still alive, she followed Pang when he went to the same abandoned building. And there, she heard the Director's story about the Gifted Program. After that, the news about the Gifted Program came out, telling the world what kind of students they really were.

Videos of them showing their potentials circulated the social media that she had to take off her Gifted pin and hide her face with her hair as she went back to the school to rest.

Pang was left in that building with the Director, Mr Pom, and Time. While she went back to the school at Sol's notice. He was the one who told her about the news.

Just a few moments after that, her friends——Lily, Ten, and Uno——were bombarding her with text messages. In fear that they would judge her, she kept her cellphone in do-not-disturb mode.

She couldn't handle everything all at once. First, was Pang and Wave's riff-off, next was the Director's stories of how the Gifted Program came to be, then the leaked video, and fourthly, her friends. A time-out was what she needed.

Aria puffed out air as she walked down the school corridor towards the school garden. Going towards the dormitory wasn't a good idea after their secret leaked out. Her roommates might bomb her with questions and judging stares. She was too exhausted that her shoulders slumped and her hair was a mess.

But her posture soon straightened when she caught a glimpse of Wave walking in her direction. He seemed weary, too, that his seriousness froze her right where she stood.

Wave could care less. He continued walking, but his steps were too heavy not to notice.

She was stoned and unable to move.

One thing that kept her awake last night wasn't only Time being alive, but also Wave indirectly telling Pang that he would protect her.

Aria blinked a few times, getting herself together. She inhaled and continued walking. That wasn't a good time to pass by Wave. Things were already awkward between everyone.

To her surprise, Wave held her wrist when she passed by him. She turned back at him to see his body was facing her and his head was low. He was not looking in her eyes, but she was looking for his. Feeling his warm touch caused a strain in her throat, preventing her from swallowing.

Aria waited for him to say anything. She waited for him to tell her how everything was her fault. She waited for his painful remarks that'd give her another stab in the heart.

But he said none of those. Instead, he rested his head on her shoulder with his eyes closed.

Aria's back straightened as if a book was being balanced on her head, and she had to keep it that way while standing.

She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to say. She even forgot to breathe as soon as his forehead touched her shoulder and his hair brushed on her cheeks.

Was that real? Or was that just a dream? Something that was happening inside her head. Because it couldn't be happening. He hated her. He despised her. He loathed her. So why would he rest his head on her shoulder?

"Aria..." he called, making her even stiffer.

How long had it been since he called her? Since he said her name as if she was not a stranger?

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