Chapter 68

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Aria and Wave walked back to their dormitory as the final ring of the bell echoed around the school ground, announcing the end of that day's class.

As they strolled, asking each other questions for the university exam, they saw Pang going in the Director's black car before driving off.

"Say, want to head out for dinner?" Aria asked, still looking at the fading car, a cryptic message within that he easily decoded.

"Won't the food poison us?" Wave asked back as cryptic as her message, not taking his gaze off the car too.

"It won't if we avoid the poisonous ones."

"And if we didn't?"

"We will. Trust me."

Wave sighed and finally gave in.

They walked outside, still wearing their uniforms, and waited for a taxi. Aria kept a tab on where Pang was going. He was still within her range, but he'd be gone soon. Fortunately, a taxi stopped in front of them not too long before the car they were chasing turned right.

"Where to?" the driver asked.

"Please drive, then turn right."

The driver did not ask a question and did as he was told. Lucky for them, the Director's car stopped and waited for the perfect time to cross the road where various vehicles approached fast.

"Please follow that car," Aria pointed to the black car in front of them.

"But make sure it's not obvious that we're tailing them," Wave added.

The driver's brows knitted as he stared at them from the interior mirror. "What are you two planning to do?" he asked in a suspecting manner.

"Please, Sir, the person in that car mustn't know that we're following them," Aria pleaded as she started to sweat that they couldn't rely on that man.

"Why?" the middle-aged man insisted.

They couldn't tell him why. The more people who knew they were rebelling against the Director, the easier it was to set their plans into flames and turn them into ashes.

"Five times. I'll pay you five times our supposed fee. Just please, follow that car without more questions. We have to follow them," Aria pleaded as a final resort.

The driver looked back at them once more, contemplating. The taxi was covered in silence for a few minutes before sighing. "I need to be clear. I am not agreeing because I'm hungry for money. I'm agreeing because I need it for my daughter and my family."

Aria nodded in understanding. And the taxi started moving, following the black car.

"Thank you, sir. You've done so much for this generation and country than you could ever think."

The driver did not give a response and remained silent. But from time to time, he kept looking back at the two students who were lowly chatting. He knew he had seen both of them somewhere— Right!

"You two are Gifted students, correct? Those with special powers?"

Wave and Aria looked at each other first, in horror at what the man might do to them having that kind of information. But when Aria heard no malicious intentions from his thoughts, she nodded.

"My daughter wants to have the potential of that one friend of yours, Namtarn if I'm not wrong. She said she wanted to see people's past and help them heal." He relaxed as he talked.

"If you don't mind me asking, sir, how old is your daughter?"

"She's seven. She's about to turn eight next month."

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