Chapter 21

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The morning came eventually. Aria had a peaceful sleep, after deciding not to eavesdrop on the two she heard last night. Even though there was still an urge to know what they were talking about, she did her best to brush it off, and she was successful.

But that didn't mean that she wouldn't continue what she was doing before yesterday.

Just that morning, she followed Koi to Ms Ladda's office and listened to their conversation. The woman was, of course, harsh with her words to the younger girl.

But Aria didn't fail to realize that Koi might actually have developed feelings for her classmate after Ms Ladda was done with her speech. She also recognized that the terror teacher knew what she was doing and apparently wasn't doing anything. Not hindering nor encouraging, but more like taunting.

After that, she found herself in front of Mr Pom's office, this time listening to him and Korn. The teacher confronted his student, trying to make him see the beauty of the gift given to him. But Korn failed to recognize it.

But his question still lingered in her head. "Is it a gift or a curse?"

Aria herself wasn't sure about the answer.

Was it a gift? Was it a curse? Maybe it was both. A gift that let her hear any noise, but was a curse that had always put her at her lowest whenever she used it in crowded places. It was different for everyone. So that would be her final answer; it was both a gift and a curse.

Aria hissed as she reached for her left ear, clenching it in pain. The noise around her was growing to the point that she couldn't handle it. She immediately put back her earphone that was missing from her ear as she watched the familiar girl she had been spying on for a week or so exit a building.

She sighed as she stabilised herself. Aria was sitting on a bench across the mentioned building, doing her job by following and listening to Koi.

"What are you doing?"

Aria looked up to meet the gaze of her friend who asked the question. Wave's eyes went from her ear, that she was still fixing the earphone back, to her eyes.

His both hands were kept inside his jacket's pockets as he stood on her left.

"I'm training my potential," she answered straight, finally hearing the classical music fully.

Wave decided to take a seat beside her. The girl's eyes did not follow him anymore, as she brought out her notebook. The mid-term exam was coming fast.

"What are you listening to?" he asked, also not bothering to look at her or even to review his notes. He trusted himself that much.

Aria knew what he meant by that. But still, she decided to act all innocent and answered, "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His compositions help me focus, especially with exams."

"While training your potential," he specified, making it clear what answer he wanted.

That left Aria with no choice. He narrowed his question, no way out for her. Instead of focusing on her notes, her mind wandered around, thinking if she should tell him everything she had been doing or not. But there didn't seem to be any harm if she did, not that she knew of.

"Well... do you know that girl from the Journalist Club? Korn's girlfriend?" Aria turned her head up to him. She waited for him to nod, but he didn't answer. Still, she carried on with her explanation, looking to her front. "I'm just... really curious of her."

Curious? Was that the right word? It was not.

She chuckled. "Scratch that." Her smile faded away and she sighed, finally giving up to say what she really felt about the girl. "I'm suspicious of her."

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