Chapter 24

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It was the middle of the night. The lights were the only thing guiding those who had something to do at the time.

"Everybody is here," whispered Ohm as the four entered the auditorium.

"You're the one who slowed us down," Pang remarked.

Desks and chairs were present in the middle, arranged just like that in their classroom. Some of their Gifted classmates were scattered around while the others were sitting in their respective seats just like Wave, who Aria noticed and gave a smile.

"There's the Director," said Ohm, pointing at the old man walking to the middle. Just a meter away from him was their class adviser.

The four latecomers rushed to their respective seats before the Director could start.

Once all had settled, silence filled the room for a brief while.

"Hello, all students," the Director began. "My name is Supot Chueamanee. I am the Director and the Headmaster of your Program. Although we do not meet often, I've been keeping an eye on you."

All Gifted students listened intently to his speech; attention was all on him, and mouths were sealed shut.

"I am very proud of all of you. Including you, Pawaret."

The sudden mention of the Director of him made Pang straighten his posture.

"I'm waiting to hear about your potential." By the tone of his voice, it seemed as though the Director knew something about their secret. It was menacing yet innocent at the same time.

"Yes, Sir," he answered with a slow nod in uncertainty.

A smile was the old man's response before continuing. "Today, you have a special mid-term exam. But first, I have a question for you. Have you noticed why in every school, there are many urban legends, strange, mysterious incidents that no one can solve?"

Now that he mentioned it, a lot-if not all-schools had their fair share of scary stories to tell. It could be different from one another or just variations of one story.

"That's because every school has its secrets that cannot be known by common people."

If so, then what secret did Ritdha High School hide?

The idea sent everyone contemplating. ...Not really as Ohm seemed rather bored than intrigued.

"Well, the exam will begin in a few minutes until 12."

"12?" Aria took a glance at her cellphone beneath the desk to check the time. "It's a few minutes past eight."

"Whoever scores on the top mark is entitled to one request, with which I will comply."

"Can I request that you kick out a student from the Gifted Program?" Wave asked from behind them, getting everyone's attention. But he gave his classmates no glance and eyed the Director straight, one arm raised.

Getting a request from the Director was big. Even if it was just a one-time opportunity, if he would comply with anything they asked for, it was a huge win. And Wave, wanting to eliminate someone from the program could be possible if the Director would allow it.

The old man only smiled whilst the other students grew uncomfortable. They knew his capabilities, his intelligence. Wave was easily the smartest kid in school. If he aced that exam, he could have the power to remove anyone from the class just as he always wanted.

But the Director didn't answer his question. No yes or no. Instead, he took his eyes off the student. "I wish you luck on the exam. Hope you enjoy solving the mystery. It will provide a good experience for the Gifted such as yourselves." And with that, he exited the room, prompting their adviser to take his previous position.

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