You have a mail!

338 23 15

Hello, dear readers!

Ah... I'm speechless as I'm typing this message XD

Let's be informal today, shall we? Let's ignore paragraphs and structures and whatever.

I don't know what to say, to be honest. I'll just freestyle this letter.


I still don't know what to say XD

Okay, let's start with a thank you.

I would like to thank every single one of you reading this right now. This means you either have read through everything and reached this letter for you or you jumped from wherever you're reading and read this XD. Either way, thank you, still.

This has been a fun, long journey.

It's been one year huh?

Today is the first anniversary of this story and I can't even be happier. I did not expect this to be this successful.

Sure, it doesn't have hundreds of thousands of reads, it doesn't have hundreds of thousands of votes, and it doesn't have thousands of comments. But my definition of success is how I affected the readers. And seeing you guys in the comments saying how annoyed you are at Wave for being unforgiving entertains me XD. Especially that one comment that cursed on Wave XD. Probably one of the best comments and compliments I ever received.

Because as a writer, our goal is to inject emotions through words and seeing you all liking the scenes, feeling bad for Aria, and annoyed at Wave is such a massive achievement for me.

I would like to thank the readers who've been with me since day 1. Since I first posted the first chapter a year ago. To those who's been with me through and through. To those who saw my struggles as I write this. To the active readers, commenting and voting. And to the new readers who recently just discovered my story. To every single one of you.

I and my story aren't near perfect and I thank you for bearing with my typos, my grammatical errors, and cringiness. I'll take a month rest from this story (maybe) before editing it. But I can't be sure that I'll be able to because, by mid-July, I'm thinking of working with my original stories I have in my drafts. But I want to practice editing so maybe I'll really commit to editing. Plus, this story needs a lot of it.

I'm also thinking about working on another The Gifted fanfic. I'm just not sure if I'll make it a sequel to this or a different one. Either way, they'll have the exact same plot, just different circumstances. I'd like to ask your opinion, would you want a new one or a sequel?

Will I work with it even if I have plans for July? Not really sure XD. But I want to keep writing The Gifted fanfictions, especially original character-insert stories because I can't find anything else I find interesting to read. Besides, I already have some plans for it. It has a chapter and some scene ideas but I'm still quite unsure.

I also thought writing a The Gifted and Blacklist crossover but all the ideas I had were a disgrace in the writing world. That's an exaggeration... But those weren't really good enough for my liking. So I scratched the idea. But maybe if I ever had a good plot, I'd write one. No promises though because I have so many original story drafts that I need to work on.


My gratitude for every single one of you is endless. Your kind words and support always drive me to move forward and continue despite having episodes of doubt and thinking that I should just stop writing. That may sound cheesy and all but they're real. Your simple actions and words made this journey even more better and safer for all of us. For that, thank you very much. Thank you for spreading nothing but positivity!

And as much as how cringy this may sound, you guys became a wonderful part of my life. This one year became a wonderful part of my journey.

While writing this, I realise how close this story has been to my heart. This is my first story in this account and it's been nothing but an amazing journey. It wasn't a smooth way but the scenery sure is beautiful.

I never thought I would ever hold a story, fanfic even, this close to my heart. I guess I really did put a lot into this that it's hard for me to end it XD It became a part of me.

I don't think I will be able to forget you guys and the experience I have writing this story. The sudden bursts of creativity, the random writer's block, the story itself, and all of you.

I'm getting emotional ksgsiahsisj XD

I don't want this to end yet TvT. It feels like it's been so long and yet it's been so fast. I want to continue writing this. But every story has an ending. And we already arrived.

This is not farewell. But a beginning of a new journey.

Everyone, thank you for the wonderful one year!

This is The Eleventh Gifted, signing off.

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