Chapter 74

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Aria stared at Grace sitting across from Pang. Her demeanour was enough to keep the silence in the room.

She, Wave, and Sol were already seated by the table. Of course, the couple was alongside each other, while Sol sat in between the twins.

Pang asked for a moment to think, and the trio took that opportunity to walk in and take their seats; Ohm silently explained to them what had happened.

"Pang, believe me. You must release the audio wave," Chanon suggested. He was the one who had been eager to start a revolution, according to Ohm.

But Pang couldn't easily just do it after Grace's threat.

"What is the outcome you expect from this fight? Not freedom? This is the right way."

"Not only does it not fix inequality but also widens the gap," Grace spoke without batting an eye to their senior, but kept her gaze sternly on Pang.

"The option you proposed is as dictatorial as the Ministry!"

"Non." Mr Pom had to contain his friend. He was raising his voice to his students already, and he was not liking it. "This is their fight. Let them choose the outcome."

Chanon couldn't do anything else but sigh in annoyance and irritation and maintained his distance.

"I know this is difficult for you," their adviser told them. "But I want you to make the decision on your own."

Pang looked around to ask for the opinions of his friends.

All parties had a point. But all of their suggestions would still lead to a dead end. If Aria was being honest, she wanted people to get their potential if they wanted to. They deserved it and it'd help them better their lives.

Discrimination could not be easily stopped——unless Pang uses his potential nationwide, commanding everyone to stop belittling anyone. She got Grace's point. But wouldn't it be cruel if they deny the other kids' dreams?

"So," Grace spoke, pulling everyone's attention, "do you have the answer?"

Pang did not give his answer fast. He fought in his head about how to say his idea. Until he opened his mouth to speak.

"Since all our options are bad, why don't we choose the best way?"

The best way? Grace shot him a confused look.

"The future problem that causes you to think we should stop the Gifted Program is inequality, right? Whether the inequality created under the supervision of the Ministry or by the freedom of the Gifted."

"Yes," Grace confirmed, feeling that her senior was agreeing with her. "That's why we should make this country free of the Gifted."

None of the Gifted inside that room wanted that. They had had their potential with them for years. They couldn't just give it up. It was a part of them that no one should have the power to take away.


Grace's smile fell upon hearing that one word.

"...make everyone the Gifted."

Silence befell the room. Only those with Gifted cells could have potential. So how can Pang make everyone Gifted? Look for a Gifted with power bestowal as a potential, and then have them give everyone powers?

No. That was not it. That was too much work and was just far-fetched.

"Director Supot revealed a secret about potential activation. The secret that twists our thinking of this whole thing."

For a brief moment, Aria heard Pang's memories. They were faint, just like how she heard their other memories for the first time. She really had to train herself in her newly attained abilities.

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